How to poison fleas in a house - a step-by-step guide to processing

how to poison fleas in a house
How to poison fleas in a house

Hello! One of my neighbors has an indescribable love for animals. She took almost all stray dogs to her, most of which live right in her house.

It is not surprising that after some time an abnormal number of fleas appeared in her home.

She tried many ways to get rid of these pests. In the end, her efforts brought the desired result. Want to learn how to poison fleas in a house? How to quickly get rid of these insects? Read the article below for detailed information on these issues.

How to get rid of fleas in the house

Parasitic insects in the house are a vital problem for many people. And the situation is significantly aggravated if children live in the house. Therefore, people are so much interested in how to get rid of fleas in the house with folk remedies.

A flea bite is very painful and often causes an allergic reaction. People widely use chemicals to control parasites, but in most cases they are ineffective. All because it is not known how to do it right.

Most often, the cause of the appearance of fleas in the house is animals - dogs or cats. Parasites can migrate to the house from the basement or the neighboring apartment, in which unscrupulous people live.

Domestic fleas differ from their counterparts that live on domestic animals in size, color and aggressiveness. Most often, they live under skirting boards, on upholstered furniture and carpets. They like places where the person who is the carrier of eggs often happens.

A flea that has recently been born has a black color. A mature individual is characterized by brown color. The impetus contributes to the rapid development of flea larvae. In this case, insects feed on the blood of people.

Turn-based fight plan

A person, touching household objects, carries flea eggs without even realizing it. Just a month after the appearance of fleas in the house, he experiences pain in the ankles. The fact is that adult parasites feed on blood and bite their legs. I will teach you how to deal with misfortune.

  • Cleaning. Clear-out all rooms. It is imperative to thoroughly vacuum the entire apartment.
  • Wash. Things that theoretically can become a refuge for fleas, wash in hot water. Pillows and blankets are well ventilated and dried in the sun, because home bugs also live in them.
  • Aerosols. Aerosol products are suitable for controlling fleas. One cylinder is enough to process ten squares of living space. After the procedure, do not wash the floors for several days. Otherwise, new parasites will appear.
  • Infusions. Use herbal infusions with a specific smell. Making infusion is simple. In a small container, mix one part of eucalyptus, the same amount of tansy and two parts of wormwood.Pour boiling water over the ingredients, and after cooling, strain and spray the room using a spray bottle.
  • Cold. Fleas don't like the cold. Ventilation will help get rid of unwanted guests. Dry things in the sun in the summer. Pests do not like bright rays.
  • Salt. A mixture of salt and soda is also used to drive fleas out of the house. Dissolve the ingredients in equal parts in water and spray over the floor and carpets.

You got an idea on how to get rid of fleas in the house. After the process is complete, do not forget to put a few wormwood branches in front of the threshold. The pungent smell of the plant repels insects and will not allow them to nip the border of housing.

Folk remedies

Fleas that appear in the house bring inconvenience and discomfort to all residents. It's about people and animals. If the family still has small children, the problem becomes especially dangerous.

In getting rid of parasites, new-fangled means aimed at the destruction of insects help. If they are ineffective, use folk tips and advice that will help overcome and lice. Read on how to get rid of fleas in the house with folk remedies.

Herbal infusions. In the first place for effectiveness are herbal infusions that emit a specific and pungent odor. To prepare the product, pour boiling water over the mixture consisting of wormwood, tansy and eucalyptus. Ingredients take two, one and one part, respectively.

Insist the resulting mixture in a cold place for about twelve hours. Using a spray gun to treat the room, paying particular attention to floor coverings and carpets. The tool is perfect for use and for preventive purposes.

Sawdust. To combat fleas, pine sawdust is also used. Most often, parasite carriers are domestic animals. For this reason, fill the pillow or mattress on which the pet sleeps with pine sawdust. Believe me, such changes will not be liked.

Cold. Things to periodically take out to fresh air. These include mattresses, rugs and pillows. In summer, things are dried in the sun.

Soda. With the help of soda, they destroy fleas in a closed room. Mix soda in equal proportions with salt, and sprinkle the resulting mixture on the floor. The next day, clean using a vacuum cleaner.

Wormwood and shavings of conifers. Wonderful deterrent. Perfect for use in a private home. Sprinkle the mixture in front of the entrance, and fleas will never get into housing.

Garlic and brewer's yeast. A flea remedy is also prepared by mixing crushed garlic with brewer's yeast. To treat the flooring with the composition, and vacuum it ten hours later. The smell of funds will forever drive fleas from the house and apartment.

You can go to a specialty store and purchase a ready-made chemical, but I do not recommend using purchased chemistry.

Folk remedies are both effective and safe for the health of people living in the house. Moreover, they help decently save.

If the house has children

When children play with pets, this is wonderful. Communication with pets makes children kind and responsible, contributes to development.

In fairness, I note that such friendship in some cases is very dangerous. It's about parasites. Continuing the topic of conversation, I will tell you how to get rid of fleas in the house if there are children.

Flea bites are dangerous for humans and lead to unpleasant consequences. It is not just about irritation and itching. During a bite, an infection can enter the human body. Therefore, at the first signs of pests, it is necessary to quickly get rid of them.

If animals with fleas live in the house, first secure the yard area. Nematodes - tiny worms feeding on flea larvae - will help with this. You can buy such worms in a gardening store.

Repellents are also used to fight fleas.When a family has a child, it is recommended to buy natural products. Before buying repellent be sure to read the label. If the composition includes peppermint, cedar oil or wormwood, feel free to buy.

Buy a herbal-based flea shampoo consisting of juniper, eucalyptus, geranium and lavender. Pets constantly bathe, carefully soaping the chin and neck. It is here that fleas often hide.

After the pet’s water procedures, thoroughly dry and apply a natural repellent by spraying it over the body. If you do not want to spend money on the purchase of funds, use a lemon solution. To prepare, boil a little lemon in 500 milliliters of water, and after insisting for 7 hours, rub the pet with liquid.

Without fail, do a good cleaning, ventilate and dry things. For processing rooms, use natural products, because child safety comes first.

So that the pet does not bring parasites into the house again, put it on a diet. Special nutrition and hygienic treatment will provide an excellent effect.

The appearance of fleas in the house is an unpleasant event. If the above methods do not help, go for a week to relatives, and at this time a qualified pest control will clean the house of parasites.

The fastest ways against fleas

Are your legs covered in bites? Feel severe itching? Most likely, you live under the same roof with fleas. They breed at an incredible speed, and completely destroying the population is extremely problematic.

If the house is always perfectly clean and there are no pets, this does not mean that the bloodsuckers will not appear. You can pick up a flea on the street. Once at home, the parasite begins to reproduce larvae in unimaginable quantities. Just a month later, fleas occupy a sofa, bed, carpets and other objects and things.

Larvae in most cases are found in the bedroom and living room. Make sure that they are available will help a conventional vacuum cleaner, if you carefully examine the contents of the garbage container. Finding adults is even easier. If you wear white socks or cover the floor with a white sheet, after a few minutes dark moving dots will appear on the surface.

The process of a quick fight against fleas consists of four stages, each of which is important and mandatory. This is the only way to achieve the result.

Stage number 1. Take care of your pets first. At a veterinary store, buy a flea remedy and thoroughly treat your pet. Pay special attention to the tail, neck and ears.

Stage number 2. The second stage involves cleaning the house using a damp cloth and a vacuum cleaner. Make sure food is hidden or covered in containers so that ants do not appear. If you have fish, close the aquarium. Wash all things, knock out pillows and mattresses, treat with a disinfectant preparation for skirting boards and shelves.

Stage number 3. The third stage is the most important, since it involves the use of an insecticide. Before buying a product, be sure to consult an expert. Upon completion of the process, all residents of the house must leave the room for several hours. For example, you can go catch carp. Then ventilate the house well.

Stage number 4. The fourth stage involves the re-processing of housing. As a rule, flea preparations are effective and allow you to quickly destroy pests. Nevertheless, fleas multiply rapidly. Consequently, before death, they can lay off larvae from which a new generation of parasites will appear. This is why the house or apartment is being recycled.

If insects appeared in the house - this is an extremely unpleasant event. But, after all, you already know how to get rid of fleas in a house quickly. Therefore, if necessary, give a worthy rebuff to the tiny aggressors who decided to encroach on your comfort.

Why are home fleas dangerous?

Very often parasites suffer serious illnesses and cause allergic reactions.Often they cause the appearance of skin diseases.

Fleas bite both humans and animals. For example, cat fleas are unpretentious in terms of nutrition. They gladly absorb rat, rabbit, dog and even human blood.

Temperature parasites are not afraid of parasites, they are active even at freezing temperatures. As for wet cleaning, it cannot save from fleas. It is noteworthy that it helps the rapid spread, since this species of parasites like high humidity. It will not work to get rid of pests without special or folk remedies.

Complicating the fight against fleas is the fact that only adult individuals live on the body of animals. As for the main population, represented by eggs, larvae and pupae, it is located on carpets and in crevices. That is why they process animals and all housing.

For a day, one flea makes about four hundred bites. For a life of 18 months, one parasite lays about two thousand eggs. The jumping height of an adult reaches a meter and a half, and the duration of one act of sucking blood is from a minute to two hours.

Dangerous neighborhood

Itchy bites covering the legs to the knees are the first sign that fleas have appeared in the house. Just a few weeks is enough for these blood-sucking insects to “get out of the underground” and settle literally in every corner, in furniture, carpets, clothes.

Fleas can get into the apartment from the basement or porch; their larvae on shoes are brought in from the grass. If fleas appeared in one of the apartments in an apartment building, then it is highly likely that very soon their presence will spread to the housing of all neighbors.

Most people mistakenly believe that there can’t be a flea in a house that is clean and free of pets. Indeed, most often fleas enter the home on the hair of cats and dogs. But perfect cleanliness does not stop them, the main thing is that there is food. It is easy to guess that people and pets are chosen as food by fleas.

Besides flea bites that are painful and can cause allergies, these insects are carriers of plague, typhoid and helminths. Therefore, the fight against them should be the most serious and uncompromising.

Household chemicals

Choosing how to poison fleas in an apartment, the majority of citizens prefer “Dichlorvos”. In principle, the tool can be called effective. Provided that it is selected correctly. Aerosol cans with the inscription "Dichlorvos" are available to combat various insects, so what destroys the crawling and flying can be completely useless in the fight against jumping.

Spraying the product in the apartment, it is necessary to process literally every corner, from the plinth to the ceiling. Flea buoyancy allows them to wait out a “chemical attack” somewhere on a cornice or chandelier.

General cleaning will also help reduce the number of insects. Furniture and carpets should be crushed and knocked out, which is called "with addiction." Clothes are washed in hot water or taken out in the cold (fleas die at sub-zero temperatures).

In household chemical stores, other products are also sold in the form of drops, powders, liquids. Room treatment should be carried out twice: the first leads to the death of adults, but can leave eggs intact; the second, final, is carried out after 4 weeks - the remaining insects die in it.

Folk remedies

Opponents of chemicals can take advantage of the experience of their ancestors, who have accumulated many recipes on how to get rid of fleas with folk remedies.

Throughout the apartment (on the floor, under furniture, on cupboards), wormwood or spruce branches are laid out. Their aroma has a depressing effect on insects. Fragrant substances secreted by these plants bring only benefit to man.

You can cook a decoction of wormwood and wash the floor with it.If animals live at home that can reintroduce fleas, then preventive measures can be taken. Sachets are sewn and hung throughout the apartment, in which dried leaves of wormwood or tansy are placed.

Do not tolerate fleas and the specific smell of eucalyptus. A few drops of eucalyptus tincture are dissolved in a liter of water, this means spray walls, carpets, furniture, floor.

Upholstered furniture and carpets can be treated with garlic-yeast solution. 3-4 cloves of garlic are chopped, 2-3 tablespoons of brewer's yeast are added to them. This mixture is poured with water, mixed. After processing, carpets and furniture are knocked out or vacuumed.

Lavender and mint collected in a bouquet will fill the apartment with a wonderful aroma, and at the same time, fleas will be scared away. Bouquets must be changed every year.

How to prevent fleas from entering your home

Fleas are small blood-sucking animals, unable to fly, but capable of jumping far and high. Fleas are carriers of certain diseases, so you need to get rid of them.

In most cases, fleas appear in the apartment with the involuntary assistance of pets, cats and dogs.

To avoid this, you can simply prevent the infected animal from entering the house, for this you just need to thoroughly wash the cat or puppy with warm water, treating the skin with a special anti-flea shampoo.

In addition, for a 100% result of ridding fleas of an animal, special drops should be dripped behind the ears and neck. Shampoo and drops can be purchased at any pet store, they are inexpensive, but at the same time very effectively relieve a cat or dog from fleas.

However, cats, and even less so dogs that need to be walked often, do not sit in a safe area from the possibility of catching fleas all the time. Therefore, also get a flea-proof collar and put it on your pet.

However, if you do not have pets, such as cats or dogs, this does not mean that fleas cannot appear.

All due to the fact that by their nature fleas are very tenacious animals, it is easiest to cling to the hair of an animal, but this can also be done with clothes. Fleas live on the street in the summer and year-round in the basement, where homeless animals live and, most dangerous, rats, which are carriers of many diseases.

If they did appear

The process of ridding a flea of ​​an apartment is very time consuming, because fleas breed very quickly.

Fleas in an apartment most often live on the floor, that is, most often they can be found behind skirting boards, in soft toys, in bed (since you are there, which means there is food), etc. You can meet a flea only at a height of no more than a meter and a half. Determine where the fleas are most and this is the place to be treated most carefully.

The easiest way to deal with fleas is a vacuum cleaner that collects flea eggs from fleecy and tissue surfaces. Just do not forget to process it afterwards so that there are no parasites left.

It is also necessary to use wet cleaners and a good disinfectant. A great many disinfectants, starting with banal dichlorvos. However, before you buy this or that remedy, pay attention to the composition and read the warning about side effects.

However, before you begin processing, it must be prepared. Preparation consists of wet cleaning. After treatment, the apartment must be ventilated and not cleaned for at least another two to three days.

How to get rid of fleas. Tips and Tricks

The situation is unpleasant when such a misfortune appeared in the house. And telling someone is often a shame. Because these insects are associated exclusively with unsanitary conditions. Particularly puzzling is the appearance of bloodsuckers in apartments where there are no animals. So where do fleas come from?

The source can be pets who brought insects from the street onto their apartment. Or in the neighborhood with you on the same landing lives a kind of old woman-catnip. Then a flea can enter your house through the front door or through a balcony or loggia.

When trying to find the cause of the appearance of insects, remember - a flea is not able to cover a large distance on its own. Either a hotbed of bloodsuckers is close, or they got into someone’s house or something.

From the basements and attics, where rats and mice live, fleas can almost uninvited guests in any apartment. So the problem of “basement fleas from where and how to get rid of” can concern absolutely everyone, even the cleanest person. Ground floor apartments are a special risk group.

Living on the ground floors, special attention should be paid to fleas in summer, during the period of mass reproduction of parasites. You can bring fleas on yourself, either yourself or your family members, if you went down to the basement, teeming with parasites. Either you were hunting or visiting someone. Even from the street you can bring fleas to your home.

Insects can penetrate you in old furniture, carpets, things. Everything that you bought at a flea market or received as an “inheritance”.

As you can see, reproaching yourself for unsanitary conditions (in a perfectly clean apartment) and being tormented by the question of where the fleas in the apartment come from if there are no animals, is not worth it.

You need to quickly look for the causes of occurrence, eliminate them and apply any methods how to get rid of fleas in the house quickly.

What are the fleas in the house:

  • human fleas are the most extensive detachment, delivering a lot of inconvenience and trouble associated with their removal and a high probability of transfer of various diseases. “Adores” human blood, but on occasion, does not disdain cats and dogs. If such a flea bites, the body begins to burn and itch.
  • cat fleas. They live in the litter of an animal. The body of a person bitten by this insect is covered in places of the bite with small ulcers.
  • dog fleas. They are similar to feline both externally and in habits, but differ in excess of vitality. For a long time they can do without food (blood).
  • earthen flea. Living in basements and other wet places, such an insect gladly settles in human housing. In the apartment he loves lower places (baseboard, space under furniture and under carpets). To find out where earthen fleas come from, just remember or explore the basement in the house.
  • chicken flea. In order to get these bloodsuckers, it is not necessary to keep chickens on the balcony. A parrot or canary can cause insects. The following symptoms will help detect the presence of chicken fleas in the house: the skin of indoor birds near the eye and beak is balding.
  • rat flea. A bloodsucker living on rats in basements can move to cats and dogs, and, having penetrated a person’s home, begins to bite him. It is dangerous because it is a carrier of infections and diseases.
  • herbal flea. The natural habitat is grass, shrubs and trees. Recently, however, cases of migration of this type of bloodsuckers into human dwellings and attacks on humans have become more frequent.
  • sand flea. They live where we dream of spending our holidays - in the beach sands of the tropics. Tourists are a special treat for these parasites. Given the remoteness of the Canary, the question "how to get rid of sand fleas" is not relevant for our latitudes.

The remaining fleas, of which there are countless, are not of interest to us in our problem. We will not dwell on them.

How to get rid

Exterminating fleas in a house is difficult, but possible. The difficulties that you will encounter in the fight against insects are as follows:

  • the difficult use of all kinds of sprays and aerosols for the destruction of bloodsucker larvae. Since they prefer to hide in hard-to-reach places (pantry, upholstered furniture, baseboards, etc.).
  • You may encounter the fact that even if you destroy the fleas, as it seemed to you, they will continue to bother you with their presence. This means that their larvae are outside the apartment.
  • the constant movement of adults.
  • pets can bring more and more parasites into the house.

We make a clear plan:

  1. treat a cat, dog or other pet, if you have any.
  2. We carry out general cleaning of the house.
  3. we process the room with flea remedies in the house.
  4. re-process and carry out preventive actions.

This applies to all pets, despite the different types of insects.

  • begin to treat the pet. To do this, use shampoo, ointment, drops. Which ones? In any pet store you will be offered modern drugs that are effective and safe for you and animals fighting blood-sucking insects.
  • It will be useful to purchase a flea collar.
  • In order to understand that a collar or a flea drop is better, the principle of action of these protective agents should be clarified. The collar is a preventive measure, and the droplets are a drug for killing insects.
  • an anti-flea company will become more effective if you temporarily resettle an animal in an area that is not infected by insects.

What helps from fleas in the house

After processing the pets, or skipping this item due to the lack of the latter, we proceed to the next step:

  1. General apartment. To do this, we get rid of dust on all surfaces, vacuum the premises, not forgetting about upholstered furniture, upholstery of chairs and carpets. We knock out pillows, mattresses, blankets and bedspreads.
  2. with a special nozzle on the vacuum cleaner we clean out the holes, cracks, indentations.
  3. places with high humidity, pantries and closets are vacuumed several times.
  4. After using the vacuum cleaner, clean the trash bag outside the apartment.
  5. soft toys and curtains should not be deprived of your attention and thoroughly washed / vacuumed. In winter, take them to the balcony to freeze insects and larvae, and in summer - to fry them. Two to three hours will be enough.

As mentioned above, the struggle with grass / earth fleas in the house causes a particular difficulty in the inaccessibility of finding larvae. How to get rid of the next generation of insects, read on.

What to poison

The peculiarity of the persecution of blood-sucking insects is that they, like cockroaches, will not be offered tasty food to eat poison. After all, besides blood, they are not interested in anything. Therefore, we will poison fleas in a house like this:

  • spray can. For example, Raptor (for insects that crawl). Also, Geth and Reid and Dichlorvos proved to be excellent.
  • powder. We scatter the familiar dust (“Clean House”, “Brownie”, “Fenaxin”, etc.) scattered under carpets, baseboards, corners and crevices. Dispersed powder can remain for a long time until the parasites are completely eliminated.
  • shallow. It works on the principle of "Mashenka".

Since bloodsuckers love to hide in the ground, sprinkle the soil in flower pots with Karbofos for several days and not water it. Then remove the top layer and discard, and pour good soil into the pot.

It is most convenient to use an aerosol, but some rules should be followed:

  • we will spray only in an empty room. Children, old people, animals, plants should be evacuated from housing.
  • always wear protective gloves and a respirator.
  • close all windows and doors.
  • when using aerosols to destroy fleas, washing an apartment is not recommended for three days.
  • treatment of a flea house consists of spraying thirty centimeters from the ambush and living places of insects and their larvae.
  • leave home for a couple of hours.
  • upon return, open the windows for airing and do a thorough cleaning, wiping with alcohol or alcohol-containing preparations everything that we take care of.
  • After a couple of weeks, be sure to re-treat the apartment with the product, even if it seems to you that the fleas are gone.

How to get rid of folk remedies

Immediately make a reservation that folk remedies are good for prevention and when a flea disaster has not yet taken alarming proportions.

  1. Aromatic herbs (Dalmatian or Persian chamomile, mint, wormwood, lavender) spread under the bed and near will become an obstacle for insects and give you the opportunity to sleep.
  2. in the pillows or under the bedding of pets we pour sawdust of conifers.
  3. wonderful wormwood grass saves from fleas in the house. We process the floors and surfaces in the apartment with a decoction of wormwood, and we can spray them on upholstered furniture and the entire room.
  4. when entering the house, put a wormwood or tansy under a rug or grate, remembering to periodically change it. Such a fragrant “barrier” will not allow fleas to enter your apartment from the entrance or the street.
  5. we can wash the floors with kerosene. We take one hundred milliliters of kerosene and breed in a bucket of water. My this "hellish" mixture of floors, skirting boards and all corners. In order not to “enjoy the aroma” of kerosene, we leave the room, and upon arrival in an hour, we aerate. Washing with kerosene should be carried out several times a week until the final destruction of fleas.

Having learned what fleas in the house are afraid of, a folk remedy is easy to pick up. But they should be applied competently. Change methods as soon as you see that the previous one is not valid. All so that fleas do not become a disaster for you.

Flea pest control

If the self-processing of the apartment did not bring the expected success, or you worry that you can’t cope with a large-scale invasion of fleas, or you are tormented by basement fleas in the house, and you don’t know how to get rid of them, contact the special services and companies that conduct flea disinsection.

  • disinfectors use exclusively highly effective insecticides in their work, which are not available to ordinary consumers.
  • poisons of a new generation do not leave marks on furniture, floors and fleecy soft coatings, without a persistent smell.
  • conducting pest control in the basement, experts preliminary develop a control strategy and can apply several methods of destruction.
  • the destruction of basement insects consists not only in the processing of basement preparations, but also the disinsection of fleas in the pits of residential buildings. What can not but rejoice the inhabitants of the first floors.

Flea Combat Strategy

How to get rid of fleas in an apartment in stages:

  • It is necessary to determine the source of parasites.
  • Determine how serious the problem is, whether you can handle it yourself or if you need to call specialists.
  • Replenish the arsenal of supplies for general cleaning.
  • Be patient.

Likely habitats

If there is a cat or dog in the apartment, parasite etching in the apartment should begin with the pet. Their hair is the most convenient habitat for parasites.

Fleas mostly live at an altitude of 1–1.5 meters from the floor, which unfortunately affects places such as a bed, sofa, soft toys, animal beds, and even kitchen furniture and countertops.

In general, it is much easier to list the places where they may not be, than all the favorite territories. Although, it will be more accurate to say that they are everywhere.

Hatching fleas in an animal

Since the most common place for these parasites to live is precisely animals, that's why we will start with them. There are many ways to poison fleas that you can purchase:

  • Sprays
  • Collars
  • Drops
  • Shampoos

So how to deal with fleas in the apartment? An effective way to treat an animal from already appeared fleas is drops. They are quite simple to use, destroy fleas and their larvae, have a fairly long validity period of about a month. When using drops, attention should be paid to the weight of the animal.

Sprays can also get rid of fleas.They have a fairly high efficiency and ease of use. Sprays can also be used to treat sleeping places of animals.

Despite the widespread distribution of collars, their performance is quite low, moreover, the animal may even experience allergic reactions. To remove insects with their help is inefficient.

Shampoos are also not particularly effective, since they can destroy parasites only at the local time, but at the same time, in most cases, only they are suitable for helping very young animals, since they are less dangerous for their body.

To completely etch insects, treatment must be done several times, since the body contains not only adults, but also larvae. Choosing what to poison fleas and treat the animal, it is important not to forget to process all its habitats in order to exclude the possibility of re-infection. Litter, houses, animal beds should be washed and dried well.

Apartment processing

The destruction of fleas in the apartment is performed using the following devices:

  1. A vacuum cleaner. If hated insects are wound up, the processing of the room should begin with it.
  2. Protective gloves and mask. In the apartment, fleas pose a threat not only to pets, but also to households, so remedies are necessary.
  3. Set for a thorough cleaning. If insects were able to start at your home, you will have to wage a serious fight with them to avoid relapse.
  4. Insecticide. To the question of how to poison fleas in an apartment, there is one correct answer - this is an insecticide. He is a loyal assistant in the destruction of insects.
  5. Time. Fighting fleas in an apartment is not a quick task. Depending on the area of ​​the apartment, this may take a whole day off.

Before starting the processing of the apartment, a number of preparatory operations are necessary. Initially, you need to do wet cleaning, remove all food products, if there is an aquarium, turn off the compressor, send the children for a long walk.

Folk remedies

There are a lot of folk remedies for controlling parasites. Here is an example of the most famous of them:

  • Spread wormwood in all secluded places, its smell scares off the parasites. From wormwood, you can prepare a decoction with which you can wash the floors and treat all surfaces. Thus, the introduction of insects into the apartment can be prevented.
  • The scent of eucalyptus, scattered on cabinets or under the bed, sachets will also scare them away. Sachets are also recommended as a remedy for fleas.
  • Lovely bouquets of lavender and mint decorating the house will not only fill the room with a spicy aroma, but will also help to avoid a dangerous neighborhood.
  • You can resort to heavy artillery and treat everything with a solution of garlic and yeast. To do this, you need 3-4 cloves of garlic + 2-3 tablespoons of yeast. We mix all this with water to a state of solution and process furniture and carpets.
  • All treated surfaces must be vacuumed. Then you can get rid of the smell with a solution of citrus, which also disinfects both furniture and the room.
  • In pet resting areas, you can also sew grass bags or place sawdust.

Almost all folk remedies are focused on a strong aroma effect, which may not appeal to residents of the house, for which there are industrial remedies for flea persecution. Choosing how to overcome fleas in the apartment, you should choose the most safe and effective tool. Having decided on the tool, you can begin to work.

Processing Guide

How to destroy fleas in an apartment - a guide to action. The first thing that needs to be done is to collect and process all personal belongings, to rub them if possible at high temperature. Also, personal items can be taken out in the cold: at temperatures below zero, fleas die.

To dry all sleeping accessories, such as blankets, mattresses, pillows in the sun, if possible, treat them with a steam generator.Next, you need to vacuum the whole apartment, all soft and fleecy surfaces, after which the vacuum cleaner also needs to be processed so that it does not turn into another nursery. The next step is to directly treat the premises with an insecticide.

Take care of yourself, wear a protective respirator and gloves!

After processing, leave the room for a couple of hours, let the insecticide do its job and not harm you and your household. Returning to the apartment, be sure to ventilate it, but with the cleaning you will have to wait a few days.

Skirting boards and other secluded places are best left untouched for three to four days. After 3-4 days, clean with disinfectants. After a week or two, the treatment of the apartment must be repeated.

What to look for

The first thing, of course, is to take care of the safety of the inhabitants of the house. It is important not only to eradicate pests, but also not to harm yourself and others. Small children are best taken away from home for a while. When choosing how to poison pests in an apartment, pay attention to the precautions and special requirements for use written in the instructions for the tool.

You may need some additional activities. The course of elimination of fleas in an animal usually lasts from two weeks to a month and contains several treatments. Processing the apartment should be repeated after 1-2 weeks.

It is also important to remember that regular cleaning and airing of rooms is very disliked by parasites. Trouble is always easier to prevent than to look for a way out later. Regular and thorough cleaning is the key to a clean home and a healthy family. In addition, aromatherapy with lavender and peppermint oils can help relax after a hard day, and fleas will no longer want to wind up in your home.

Domestic fleas: how to get out of the apartment

Even the most effective drug for fleas in the house will not get rid of these parasites, if the cause of their appearance is not eliminated. Sometimes pests get into an apartment by accident, for example, on shoes, clothes or things brought from places infected with parasites. Insects can live in a house:

  • from unscrupulous neighbors who do not want to remove parasites from their home;
  • from the entrance or basement of an apartment building, which are often in unsanitary conditions;
  • from sheds and garages, if their sanitary conditions leave much to be desired;
  • sometimes private houses are populated by earthen fleas that are found in sand or soil. They sleep in winter, and in spring they wake up and attack a person’s dwelling in search of food;
  • rarely a constant source of domestic fleas is a cat or dog living in an apartment. As a rule, parasites that bite people use animals as a means of transportation or shelter, where they can take refuge during intoxication of the premises.

In the house, parasites hide in secluded places, such as gaps in the floors and walls, open areas behind the baseboard, carpets, cabinets and upholstered furniture. Notice fleas in the house is not immediately possible. Often, upon seeing small biting insects, residents take them for cat fleas and take no action. The problem becomes apparent only when parasites flood the entire apartment.

How to detect and get rid?

Insects breed very quickly. For several weeks they are able to populate the apartment so that it will not be easy to clean them. It is easy enough to detect them if there are too many fleas in the house. Firstly, they will make themselves felt by numerous bites on a person’s legs.

Parasites bite painfully, wounds from bites begin to itch and itch. It is undesirable to comb the places of bites, since inflammation can be caused. Sometimes a person has an allergic reaction to a flea bite.

Secondly, it is possible to detect the places of accumulation of parasites using traps. For example, put a sheet of cardboard greased with honey. A simple white sheet will show if there are insects in the home.Just put it on the carpet. If there are parasites in the house, then black dots will quickly appear on the sheet.

Hatching fleas begins with a general cleaning. The favorite habitat of these parasites is dust and dirt. It is difficult to etch them from the cluttered places, as there will be eggs and larvae that will very soon turn into adult fleas. No old abandoned items should remain in the house, dust behind the cupboards and under the beds should be cleaned, carpets and textiles thoroughly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

It is necessary to vacuum the baseboard and all the cracks at a height of 1 m. After this, it is worthwhile to carry out wet cleaning with the use of deterrents. Such are, for example, coniferous oils or tincture of wormwood. Parasites are afraid of the pungent odor of these plants. However, herbs are not able to destroy parasites, they only scare them away.

Effective remedies for fleas are various sprays and aerosols. This may be the usual drug Dichlorvos, and means to combat a specific type of parasite. They can poison pests in 1 day.

Their minus is that many aerosols kill only adults and have no effect on eggs. In such cases, re-treatment of the room with chemicals should be done after 7-10 days. During this time, all individuals will be hatched from eggs, but they will not have time to lay new offspring.

Against larvae, special dust insecticides are effective. Unlike adult fleas, the larvae do not feed on blood, but on organic debris, which is why they can eat an insecticide. Chemical etching of parasites must be accompanied by certain safety measures.

Many of the drugs are hazardous to health. Before poisoning fleas in an apartment, children's things and food must be tightly closed or completely removed from the house. Animals for this time should also be removed.

Powders and gels of contact action relieve fleas well. Once on the body of the parasite, they penetrate the skin, sending the body. Tools are laid out behind cabinets, baseboards and in other secluded places.

Aerosols act instantly, powders and gels are designed for a long-lasting effect, because insects will be etched gradually. However, they are completely safe for households, so no one will have to leave the house. It is only necessary from time to time to pour the remedy until the fleas disappear. This usually takes no more than two weeks.

Folk methods

Insects can be removed folk remedies. They are less effective, but are able to scare off parasites if they only settled in the home. It is good to use alternative recipes as prophylactic agents after treating the premises with insecticides so that the parasites do not return to the house.

Fleas cannot stand the pungent odors of some herbs. From wormwood, celandine, eucalyptus or tansy, you can prepare a special infusion. A few spoons of herbs pour a glass of boiling water and insist.

You can use the resulting tincture in different ways: some pour it into the spray bottle, others add it to the water while washing the floors. Especially effective is the etching of parasites with wormwood. It is laid out in the habitats of insects or sewn into bags and hung around the house.

Regular garlic helps to get rid of parasites. Insects will leave the house if everywhere spread the peeled cloves of garlic. Other pungent odors are ammonia or bleach.

A few drops of one of these products are diluted in a glass of water and the floors are washed with the resulting solution. A mixture of vinegar, camphor alcohol and cologne will also help get rid of fleas. Carpets, textiles, skirting boards and other places where pests settled are treated with this solution.

A radical method of getting rid of fleas is severe frost. Parasites die at low temperatures. However, before removing fleas from the house in this way, it is worth taking care of the safety of heating. Insects and heat can not tolerate.But only the special services can create the necessary temperature in the house.

Interestingly, fleas were previously caught using rabbit skins. She was laid on the floor, hung on her neck or attached to clothes. When a large number of parasites accumulated in it, the skin was burned and a new one was used.

Of course, this method will not help to remove insects. If modern tools have also been powerless against pests, then the treatment of the apartment should be entrusted to professionals. They have at their disposal special insect control products that cannot be bought at the store.

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