How to deal with scale insects on indoor plants - recommendations of the best gardeners

how to deal with scale insects on indoor plants
How to deal with scale insects on indoor plants

Good day. I am very kind to indoor plants. Moreover, both to their own and to strangers.

Was at the birthday of a former work colleague. She has a lot of different plants. When I admired them, I saw on one shield.

She immediately said this to the hostess and advised her to take concrete actions if she did not want to be left without her green friends. Want to learn how to deal with scale insects on indoor plants? How to prevent its active distribution? Now I’ll tell you everything in detail.

We save plants from scale insects and false shields

All scale insects and false scale insects cause enormous damage to plants. The signs accompanying them are characteristic of all types of scale insects. Yellow spots appear on the leaf suction of the scutellum, which grow in size as the juice is sucked, then the leaf turns completely yellow, curls and falls off.

The plant stops growing, the branches become bare, then the whole bush begins to dry out and the plant dies.

In addition to leaves, the scale shield damages the fruits of mandarins, lemons and oranges.

Brown shield
Brown shield

The scale shield can be distinguished from the false scale shield by the following features:

  • The shield covering the scutellum from above does not grow together with the insect inside. This can be easily determined by tearing off the shield - the pest will remain attached to the plant.
  • As a rule (but not always), the scapula also differs in shape - most often it is flat in the scutes, in the form of a pea in the false scutes.

Shields. Scutellaria, Latin name - Diaspididae. A family of semi-horned insects from the superfamily of worms. The family has over 2400 species. The body on top is covered with a wax shield (hence the name of the insect).

All scale insects differ in that they have protective shields and look like plaques on the plant. The mouth apparatus of all scutes is sucking. They differ only in size and color.

Scabies are especially dangerous because just a few hours after leaving the eggs, the larvae are already spread throughout the plant and immediately begin to suck out all the juices from it, and the leaf surface is completely covered with shields.

A brown scale insect (Chrysomphalus dictyospermi) mainly damages leaves, settling on their upper side. The shield of an adult female is rounded, about 2 mm in diameter, reddish brown or dark brown. The shield of the male is smaller and oblong.

False shields. False shields differ from true shields in that they do not have a wax shell, and the drying skin of a dying female protects the eggs and larvae.

False shields, or coccids (Coccidae) - a family of semi-winged insects from the superfamily of worms. More than 1100 species have been described, of which about 150 species are found in Europe.


Most species of scale insects reproduce by laying eggs, but there are also live-bearing species. Pests are kept on the lower and upper side of leaves, shoots and trunks of plants. Only young larvae settle, adhering to various parts of the plant, adult insects are immobile.

With a strong infection, the leaves along the veins and trunks of the plants become covered with a coating, which is formed from a large accumulation of scale insects.Damaged plants delay growth and development, leaves turn yellow and fall prematurely.

Scabies and false scabs secrete a sticky liquid - a pad on which a sooty fungus settles, which further worsens the development of plants. Scale and false shields damage many indoor plants: palm trees, citrus fruits, oleander, ivy, cyperus, asparagus, aucuba and others.

Adults and larvae function year-round, sucking out the cell sap from the plant. Damaged plants turn yellow, develop incorrectly, leaves often fall off, young shoots dry out.

Scabies belong to fast-breeding pests. Reproduction can be either asexual or ordinary. It occurs by laying eggs under the shield, and some species are viviparous. After hatching, the scale goes through several stages of development. At the initial stage, scabies are very mobile, and can quickly spread, in particular to neighboring plants.

Females are motionless, but males can even fly throughout life. However, the life cycle of a male is very short. They live only a few days, unlike women who live several months.

Under good conditions, more females are born; under poor conditions, more males are born. The composition of the population changes itself in such a way as to improve its mobility and move to a more favorable place for life.

Ficus leaf affected by a pseudo-scab
Ficus leaf affected by a pseudo-scab

External signs of plant damage

On the leaves of plants, brown or light roundish flakes sometimes appear, which are difficult to separate from the leaf. This is the adult stage of scale insects.

Defeat with a false shield: leaves that have lost their luster, become brown and covered with sticky secretions. The pest sucks the cellular juice from leaves, stems and fruits.

As a result, yellowish or reddish-brown spots form on damaged areas, which can lead to the death of parts of the plant.

Preventive actions

Especially at the end of winter - the beginning of spring, you need to take care of a well-ventilated place, you also need frequent spraying of plants with water, regular inspection, especially from below.

Control measures

Scaffolds are protected from external influences by a shield, therefore, the struggle with them is not easy. Scabbards are brushed off with a toothbrush or a cloth soaked in alcohol or soapy solution; a soap-kerosene emulsion can also be used.

Alcohol solution with soap. The mixture consists of 15 grams of liquid soap, 10 ml of denatured alcohol and 1 liter of warm water. However, one must be very careful here, especially for soft-leaved and thin-leaved plants.

These species are very sensitive to alcohol, so they do not spray with liquid, and apply with a brush to the insects themselves. If you really want to use this particular method, it is best to conduct a small sensitivity test on one sheet first.

With severe damage, the following chemicals are used:

  • Actellik. Dilute the ampoule in 1 liter of water and treat during the pest. The flow rate of the solution is up to 2 liters per 10 sq.m. No more than 4 treatments. The waiting period is 3 days.
  • Fosbetsid. The treatment with these drugs (they are toxic) is best done outdoors (20 ml per 10 liters of water).

If the plants are low (up to 30 cm), try to water them under the root with a solution of the actar preparation. This insecticide penetrates into the plants through the roots and makes all its aerial organs toxic for insects for a while. When treating with an insecticide, wipe the window sill or the shelf where the plant was standing, as well as the window glass, as small larvae may not be noticed.

To reduce the harmfulness of scutes and false scutes, one can also use the fact that the reproduction of many species of these pests is greatly slowed by a decrease in relative humidity and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Therefore, be moderate with watering, avoid crowding of plants, ventilate the room more often, isolate the infected plant from others, transfer it to a more illuminated place.

Folk remedies

To quickly get rid of the scab, wipe the branches and stem of the plant with a cotton swab dipped in vodka. This should be done several times with a frequency of once or twice a week.

Pests are removed with a soft toothbrush and the damaged areas are smeared with gruel from onions, then the plant is washed with a soap solution or treated with a kerosene-soap mixture. To do this, 25 g of green or 40 g of laundry soap is diluted in 1 liter of water, adding 5 drops of kerosene and shaking thoroughly, the affected parts of the plant are lubricated or sprayed with a mixture from a spray bottle.

A good effect is given by a home-made soap-oil emulsion: 5-10 g of soap or powder are whipped in a glass of water until foam is formed, then 20-30 g of machine oil are added.

With this composition, after covering the earth in a pot with a film, the whole plant is treated and kept for 6-12 hours. Wash off with cold water. This treatment should be carried out 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

False shields
False shields

You can wash the plant with one of the following infusions.

Garlic infusion from scale insects. Five cloves of garlic are crushed and ground in a mortar, pour a glass of water and insist under the lid in a dark place for several hours. Wash the leaves or grease them with a soft brush. For spraying, the infusion is filtered through 3 layers of gauze.

Onion infusion from scale insects. One medium onion is crushed and infused in a glass of water for several hours. Further everything, as with garlic infusion.

Pepper infusion from scale insects can be prepared for future use. 50 g of fresh hot pepper are crushed and boiled in 0.5 l of water, add to measure. Then insist a day, filtered. Store in a sealed bottle in the refrigerator.

If necessary, treat the plant with 10 g of infusion and 5 g of green (laundry) soap per 1 liter of water.

Scale on indoor plants. How to deal with it?

If you find small insects, like a tortoise shell or a flat hard aphid, that fit snugly against the leaves, stalks, or stems of your indoor or garden plants, then you’ve got a shield or its “sister” false shield.

Panic, saying goodbye to pets at home, or it is possible to completely defeat this enemy depends now only on your desire. Let's first look at this pest in more detail, and then I will share with you the story of my fight against it, and also publish an overview of the tips of other gardeners.

The scabbard (lat.Diaspididae), an insect, at first sight is not so vile, belongs to the pseudococcid family. Her relatives of the false shield (Latin Coccidae, or Lecaniidae) belong to another coccid family. It’s very difficult to understand who the pest is; Both families are very similar and diverse.

You can learn to distinguish these insects “by eye” if you carefully remove it from the plant. In scutes, the scutellum is not part of the body of the insect, that is, if the scutellum is removed, and the gnat under it remains not on the stem, this is a scutellum.

In false shields, the shield is a part of the body of the insect, i.e. the goat is completely removed along with the shield If there is a microscope at home (and I believe that every inquisitive gardener-florist is obliged to have one), then just look at insects of different ages under magnification and you will immediately distinguish between scutellum and mockworm.

Under the microscope, on the shield of the false scutellum, her eyes are visible, near the scutellum, the eyes where they should be: outside the scutellum on the insect itself. And scale insects, and pseudo-insects account for more than a thousand species, several dozens of them live on indoor plants. For example, I can “boast” of the unique look that I brought from the Caucasus along with oleander cuttings.

Other signs of the separation of scutes and false scutes are not entirely objective.It is believed that if a sticky sweet secret of the paddy is secreted on the plant, on which the soot fungus settles, then this is a scab. But sticky juice can not always be noticed, well, if the plant is completely neglected and the insects are visibly invisible, and false shields also secrete sticky juice.

It is believed that the scutellum is convex in shape (like a pea), and it is flat in the false scutes.

This is also not entirely true: both families differ in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors of the shield. In many articles on Internet sites, these families are confused. Most often, false shields are also called shields, these two families are very similar, it does not matter for us gardeners what they are called, but it is useful for erudition.

So, remember. If an insect, becoming an adult, forms a shield on top - this is a scab. If the insect has its own shell, similar to a shield - this is a false shield. Consider the most common types.


The body of the insect is up to 5 mm long, covered with a wax shield on top, hence the name "shield". Shields are different in size and shape. Most species of scale insects reproduce by laying eggs, there are live-bearing species. An adult female sits motionless on a plant, covering her eggs, the females live for several months. Males are mobile, they can even fly during their life, but they live only a few days.

Larvae of the first age (called strollers) freely move around the plant, then, after attachment, lose their mobility, becoming covered with a wax shield in the form of a plaque.

Adults and larvae are active year-round. Adults and larvae also harm, sucking out the sap of plants. Scaleflies affect many indoor plants, even poisonous to humans (such as oleander).

Damaged plants quickly weaken: first, the young shoots dry out, then generally cease to form, the stems and leaves turn yellow, develop incorrectly, and fall off. The plant is doomed to die if the fight against the pest is not started in time.

Indoor gardeners are rare with scale insects. As a rule, they affect palm trees, citrus fruits and bromeliaceae (orchids). In the garden, on the contrary - most often these are scale insects.

Orange spotted scale (lat.Lepidosaphes beckii). Homeland - tropical America. Distributed in all tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In the south of Europe, it is one of the most dangerous citrus pests. As the name implies, it affects citrus fruits (leaves, fruits), as well as feijoa and laurel .. A shield in the form of a comma (horns). Indoor citruses can get from another plant bought in a store, a greenhouse.

European pear scale (Diaspidiotis marani) Scutellum of an adult female 1-1.5 mm. Eggs hibernate. It is found in Western Europe, in Moldova, in the south of Ukraine and Russia. Pest of stone fruit and pome fruit.

Pear Yellow Scale (Diaspidiotis pyri) Shield of an adult female 1.8-2.4 mm. Larvae of the II age overwinter; they are covered with a black shield. It damages the apple tree, pear, plum, peach, cherry, ash, hornbeam, hawthorn, privet. Concentric red spots on the fruits of pome fruits.

Pear Red Scale (Epidiaspis leperii) Scutellum of an adult female 1-1.4 mm. Females overwinter. It occurs throughout southern Europe, in southern Ukraine and Russia. Pest of stone fruit and pome fruits, dogwood, walnut, horse chestnut.

Californian scale shield (Diaspidiotis perniciosus) Scutellum of an adult female 1.5-2 mm. Winters larva of I age. Homeland North China and Primorye, but is currently imported into most countries of the world.

Damages plants of 80 families. The greatest harm is caused to apple trees. Californian scale insect faster than other sucking insects destroys the vascular system of the plant. Concentric red spots on the fruits of pome fruits.

Red orange shield - (Latin Aonidiella aurantii Mask). It damages about 200 species of rosaceae, citrus plants. The Red Orange Scabbard is able to eat all the aerial parts of the plant.Viviparous female - capable of giving birth to 100-150 larvae, especially in citrus fruits.

The female shield is almost round, thin, translucent reddish-brown, the body of the female is horseshoe-shaped, shines through the shield. The diameter of the shields of adult females is up to 2.0-2.2 mm. Methods of transfer and distribution: through infected cultures.

False California Scale (Diaspidiotis ostreaaformis) Scutellum of an adult female 2-2.3 mm. Larvae of the II age overwinter. It is found throughout Western Europe, in the European part of Russia, in Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, in the Primorsky Territory, as well as in Asia Minor and North Africa, North America. Introduced to Australia and South America.

Brown shield - Chrysomphalus dictyospermi (Morg.) The female shield is round, flat, brown, sometimes almost black, with a diameter of 2.0 mm. Distributed in Southwest Europe, Asia Minor and East Asia, North Africa, North and South America. In Russia it is known on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in the greenhouses of many cities.

Wide polyphage. Lives on leaves, fruits, sometimes thin branches of many tropical and subtropical plants.

Rose shield (Aulacaspis rosae Bouche) is found on the shoots of roses, rose hips, blackberries and wild strawberries. Strongly spoils the vascular system of the trunk. This species has sexual dimorphism. Shields of females are flat. The larvae of males have a smaller shield. The white cap over the larva of the male is equipped with clearly visible edges.

Pine spindle-shaped scale - Leucaspis lowi, Anamaspis loewi; Anamaspis lowi; Leucodiaspis loewi; Leucodiaspis lowi) Distributed in the forest-steppe and steppe zones. Larvae and females damage pine needles, which can cause it to fall and dry the trees.

Tuevaya (juniper) Carulaspis juniperi and cypress and Carulaspis caruelii are very similar to each other and visually almost indistinguishable.

Shiposny scale (lat. Aspidiotus spinosus Comst). The female shield is white with gray and brown stripes, with a diameter of 1.5 - 1.7 mm. Larval skins are yellow, located in the center of the flap. The pest is common in Western Europe, North Africa, North America.

In Russia it is found in greenhouses of many cities. Polyphage. Lives on the trunk, branches, petioles, leaves of many tropical and subtropical plants. Scaffolds are often covered with pieces of bark of the trunk and branches, therefore they are hardly noticeable.

Apple-tree scale (lat.Lepidosaphes ulmi). Lives on a variety of trees, shrubs, grasses. It is found on apple trees. Lays eggs in the bark in August.

The larvae living under the bark feed on the sap of the tree. During mass propagation, it can cover the plant stem with a continuous layer. It is found everywhere except the tropics and the far north.

False shields

Soft false shield - Coccus hesperidum L is the most frequent guest in our apartments and greenhouses. It affects most indoor plants - aroid, orchid, citrus, ferns, palm trees, begonias, and many others.

The first sign of damage is sugary discharge on the leaves and splashes of sticky liquid on the window panes in the immediate vicinity of the plants. The female is about 4 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, slightly convex, ovoid, asymmetric in shape. The head end of the body is narrower. The body of the female is light brown with darker pigmentation on the back. Adult females and larvae are harmful.

Acacia false shield (Parthenolecanium corni (Bouche)) Sexual dimorphism in this species is very pronounced - males and females are completely different from each other. The adult female is motionless, has an oval convex body. Scutellum smooth and shiny, usually with a distinct keel. Body and keel on the sides with rows of dots. The male is a small flying insect having only one pair of wings.

It occurs both on woody and shrubby, and on grassy plants. Usually on leaves, branches and trunks, less often on fruits. Winters, in this species, a larva of 2 ages on trunks and on the underside of branches.

In the spring, after the start of sap flow, the overwintered larvae crawl onto young twigs, where they suck and no longer move. Males are extremely rare. Years at the beginning of May. In late spring, the female lays eggs under her own body.

Fertility of the female is 1000-3000 eggs. In early summer, larvae hatch, which migrate to the underside of the leaves. Before wintering, larvae of 2 ages return to the branches.

It harms plums, currants, white acacia, hazel, raspberries, forsythia, snowberry, grapes, persimmons, and to a lesser extent, apple, pear, quince, apricot, gooseberry, peach, sweet cherry, mulberry.

Spruce shield - Physokermes piceae (Schrnk.) Females are protected by a round, smooth, shiny shield of brown or chestnut color, with a diameter of 3-6 mm. 1 mm mm winged males are rare.

Females in June lay a large number (3000 pieces) of reddish eggs under the shield, from which small pinkish larvae emerge during July, which are sucked between the scales of the kidneys in whorls or on the underside of the needles (future males). In October, the larvae molt and turn brown.

Olive false shield. The body of the female is strongly convex, broadly oval, dark brown or black. Above on the back are ridge bulges resembling the letter N. The length of the body is 3-4 mm, the width is 2-3 mm. Most often harms the oleander.

It is also found on laurel, pomegranates, citrus fruits, figs, tea bush, laurel, myrtle, hibiscus, etc. Hemispherical false shield. The female’s body is broadly oval, convex, hemispherical, dark brown, some on the back have an unclearly pronounced pattern in the form of the letter N. The body is about 4 mm long and 2 mm wide. The legs are well developed. Larvae are yellow, with two tail filaments at the end of the body.

Plum Shield, it is also a hemispherical bedrock, it is also plum spherolecanium (Sphaerolecanium prunastri Fonsc). Lives on the branches and trunks of most stone-flowered Rosaceae, feeding on their juices. The female is almost hemispherical, dark brown, 3–3.5 long, 2.7–3.2 mm wide. The male is winged, dull red; the length of his body is 1.5 mm.

During the period of kidney swelling, overwintered larvae awaken and begin to suck juice from plants. In May, males appear who fly in search of females.

Within a month, the females fully form and lay yellow-pink eggs, from which larvae (egg-bearing) hatch quickly (sometimes in half a minute). Each female can lay from 500 to 1200 eggs. In early August, the larvae molt and remain wintering at the stage of the second age.

Yew false shields Yew Parthenolecanium (Parthenolecanium pomeranicum (Kaw.)). As the name implies, the parasitic on the yew.

Pincushions (Pulvinaria). Very close to false shields. These insects are much larger. They damage grapes, maples (especially palm trees and acanolifolia), persimmons, and much more. There are species that damage birch.

Felts. Their close relatives, felts, are somewhat different from false shields. A relative of worms and false shields, pads.

How to fight

Ways to deal with scale insects, false shields and their relatives are about the same. Therefore, I will continue to write “scale insect”, bearing in mind the entire family of pests. If you find a pest, then carefully inspect all the plants on the windowsill.

You can fight the scabbard only with a regular and thorough inspection. Use a magnifier. Carefully check the stem, paying attention to the sinuses of the leaves, then the lower and upper parts of all leaves. Insects usually accumulate in these parts of the plant.

Isolate diseased plants on a separate windowsill, and treat the old and new pots with plants first with a soap solution, then with an insecticide solution.

From diseased plants, gently with a cotton swab dipped in an insecticide solution, remove insects. They recommend wetting the stick with kerosene, oil or alcohol, but I do not recommend: plants can get burns, and oil clogs pores, which is undesirable for an already sick plant.

After the initial treatment, I wash the entire plant with a soap and water infusion of tobacco, in order to wash off young scabbers. Wash thoroughly, preferably with a brush, I do it with an old soft toothbrush.

Wash off the solution and set the plants to dry. When the water from the leaves evaporates, we spray the plant with an insecticide solution, spraying the soil surface and cover the plant with a plastic bag for about 30-40 minutes. Then the pocket must be removed. Two days later, the plant is again under my shower to wash off the insecticide and dead insects.

The entire procedure must be repeated weekly until the scutellum is completely exterminated. I think it will not be amiss to recall that all insecticides are toxic to humans and domestic animals.

Therefore, observe safety precautions. I did not find specialized chemical insecticides for the control of scale insects. I use Actellic, Metaphos and Fitoverm, but other broad-spectrum insecticides will also be effective.

Adult scale insects are covered with a shell that partially protects them from pesticides. I am mistrustful of folk remedies in the fight against scale insects: as I wrote above, they can harm the plant, and their effectiveness is doubtful.

In addition to the already mentioned: kerosene, oil, alcohol and tobacco solution, folk remedies for the control of scabies include: green potash soap, a weak solution of vinegar, tincture of pepper, garlic, onion. Inspection procedures and when detecting scale and processing, you will have to carry out regularly.

The fight with the scale shield is long. Sometimes they appear six months after they seemed to be completely exterminated. Do not forget about the regular hygiene of the windowsill and flower pots.

As a rule, the scale shield is selective, i.e. affects one species of houseplants. But it can affect different types of plants. I didn’t find the shield shield (or rather the false hawthorn hawthorn) that the oleander brought on the cuttings, on other plants. But a year after solving the problem, I continue to process the plant and its environment for prevention.

Scale guards do not like frequent spraying and good ventilation, so do these procedures regularly.

How to deal with scale insects on indoor plants

Starting acquaintance with the scale insect, it should be said that it is a family of Pseudococcida. Beginning flower growers can easily take her for a false shield. Therefore, for them, the task of recognizing this pest is more difficult. You can understand who is who by the presence of a removable carapace, which is necessarily present in the scab.

If you try to remove the shell from the body of the insect, and it will continue to sit on the surface of the sheet, then we can conclude that in front of you is a scale shield.

With a false shield, this can not be done, because for her, the shield is part of the body. If you look at the insect under a microscope, you can see that the eyes are on the scutellum in the false scutellum. In an ordinary scale insect, they are brought directly to the larva.

The presence of an insect's wax shield covering the body, and explains why it received such a name. This pest is quite small and has a length of about 5 mm. However, these insects may vary in size. During the laying of eggs, the females sit on them and close until offspring appear.

Typically, females live no more than 3-4 months. Males show increased mobility, some are able to fly. However, their lifespan is short and does not exceed two to three days.

When larvae emerge from the eggs, they begin to move throughout the plant until they can gain a foothold on it. From this moment they do not change their location, remaining in this state until then, until they form a wax shell.

Regardless of age, each of these individuals causes significant damage to plants throughout the year. For them, the nutrition is plant juice. Moreover, scabies can be chosen even by plants poisonous to humans. You can notice the signs of plant damage by the pest by the way the young shoots begin to dry.

Subsequently, the formation of new ones stops, yellowing of leaves and stems occurs, which ends with their decline. If you miss this moment and do not take timely measures, you can lose the plant.

In most cases, scabies are found in horticultural crops. Although they can appear on indoor plants, however, this happens much less often. But in any case, the plants suffer greatly from them, which may result in their complete death. Among all the plants that most often suffer from scale insects, citrus, palm and bromeliaceae should be highlighted.

How to get rid

Approximately similar methods are used to destroy the scabbard and its relatives. It is imperative to conduct regular inspection of plants, which in such cases are covered with a sticky liquid. And in order not to miss a single pest, it is recommended to do this with a magnifying glass.

It is important to carefully examine the main trunk, leaf sinuses, as well as the upper and lower sides of the leaves. The fact is that it is these parts of the plant that attract the pest.

After detection of the scab, it is necessary to transfer the infected plants to a separate place. The part of the room where these flowers used to be should be treated with soapy water.

For the complete destruction of insects and signs of the disease, an insecticide solution is also treated. Scaffolds found on leaves and stems of indoor flowers are removed using a cotton swab, which must first be moistened with an insecticidal solution.

Although some of the growers also use more well-known products, such as alcohol and kerosene. Although they can also destroy pests, at the same time there is a risk of burns from plant leaves.

After processing, you need to prepare a solution of soap or tobacco and remove from the stems and leaves of the flowers of young individuals. The easiest way to do this is by using a toothbrush.

When the operation is complete, it is necessary to remove the solution and wait for the plants to dry. Next, we take an insecticidal solution and process the flower so that at the same time it gets not only onto leaves and branches, but also into the soil.

Upon completion of processing, indoor plants must be closed with polyethylene. After 30 minutes, the shelter can be removed. Over the next 2-3 days, we observe the plant, and then remove the remains of the insecticide and dead insects with warm water.


A photo of an insect allows gardeners to understand with whom they have to deal. But destroying it will not be so simple.

For greater effect, such treatment should be carried out every week until there are no living pests. However, care must be taken when handling chemicals because they can harm pets and humans.

In order to avoid negative consequences, the use of insecticides is necessary in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

The best results in the fight against scale insects are shown by such drugs as:

  • Actellik;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Metaphos.

Due to the presence of the shell they are well tolerated by most chemicals. Therefore, if you have made a firm decision to get rid of these insects, you will need to carry out more than one treatment to achieve your goal.

Folk remedies

You can also cope with scale insects with the help of folk fighting methods. The most famous are:

  1. acetic solution of weak consistency;
  2. potassium green soap;
  3. tincture of garlic, onion or pepper.

When dealing with the destruction of pests, it is necessary to constantly inspect plants, because in order to completely get rid of insects, it is necessary to carry out more than one treatment. There are cases when the scab was found on plants 6 months after the last treatment. At the same time, it is necessary to keep the windowsill and flowerpots clean.

Although scale insects are accustomed to settle on one plant, the probability that they can spread to neighboring flowers should not be ruled out.

This will complicate the task of killing these insects. Serious harm to worms is caused by frequent spraying and airing. For this reason, you need to do this every day. Then you can get rid of them much earlier.

Useful Tips

There are also plenty of other drugs that can help defeat the scale.

  • The contents of one sachet of poison for Colorado beetles "Aktara" is poured into a container, add water, after which the affected plants are sprayed in three doses. It usually takes 6-8 days for the last insect to disappear;
  • A popular folk remedy is a mixture based on a soap solution and vodka. This fluid lubricates the leaves, while cleaning them from scutes. By effectiveness, this tool is considered one of the best;
  • Good results are shown by phosbecide. Therefore, it makes sense to use it for severely damaged plants. In order to avoid complications, it is advisable to carry out processing in the fresh air;
  • Even if you regularly remove insects from plants, this will not give you confidence that the plants will be healthy. A little time will pass, and scale insects will again appear on indoor plants. To exclude the return of these pests, as well as to remove traces of their presence, it is recommended to treat the plants with a garlic solution.

In order to cope with the insecticide and its relatives, you do not have to purchase expensive imported insecticides. You can destroy these pests with the help of fairly simple and inexpensive means.

However, in order to achieve the desired effect, they must be applied correctly already at the moment of detection of sticky fluid on plants. It is also necessary to do everything possible so that the means used to combat these insects cause minimal harm to plants.

Indoor plants need not only watering, but also protection from pests, especially from scale insects. These insects can cause significant damage not only to indoor plants, but also to various garden crops.

Therefore, the grower must constantly monitor the status of their pets and, upon detection of a sticky fluid, begin to act. Difficulties with the destruction of scale insects are related to the fact that this process takes a lot of time. Therefore, you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to process your indoor flowers more than once with various drugs.

Many flower growers use modern insecticides to fight the scale insecticide, and rightly so. After all, it is enough to carry out several sprayings to completely remove them to the last insect.

However, if you do not want to cause significant harm to your flowers, then you can use folk remedies. They are no less effective than chemicals, and at the same time help minimize the damage that can be caused to plants during processing.

Expert Advice

The fight against scale insects on indoor plants is a very time-consuming process. Durable carapace reliably protects the pest from chemical and mechanical effects. Therefore, first infected specimens of plants are selected during a thorough examination of the frequent habitats of insects: the stem, leaf sinuses and leaves on both sides.

The former location of the flowers is treated with a concentrated soap solution (10 grams of 72% laundry soap per 400 ml of water), and then disinfected with an insecticidal agent. Scabies are removed from the plant surface mechanically, using a cotton swab or toothbrush bristles soaked in a kerosene-soap emulsion.

During its preparation, 100 grams of grated 72% laundry soap is dissolved in 1 liter of hot water, then 200 ml of kerosene is added.All this is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous white mass is formed, which must be diluted in 10 liters of water before use.

After wiping with this solution, the plant is washed several hours later under warm water and put in a warm place to dry. After pre-treatment, you can proceed to the section on how to deal with scale insects on indoor plants, using chemical preparations or using folk remedies (environmental).


Chemical preparations for combating scale insects can be divided into groups: insecticidal and insectoacaricidal.

Insecticides are best used outdoors (in the yard, on the balcony, veranda), using protective equipment, given their third class of toxicity.

After the green cover dries, the plant is completely treated with insecticides, including the soil in the flowerpot. It is covered with a dense transparent plastic film for half an hour, after which the cellophane is removed.

After a few days, the leaves and stems of the flower are washed under warm water to remove dead pests. The following drugs are effective in the fight against scale insects: Aktara, Admiral, Avant, Fitoverm, Metaphos.

Insecticaricidal drugs are non-phytotoxic and safer for humans. When they are used, the insect pest causes paralysis, leading to its death after 2-3 days.

Even with the systematic use of drugs of this action, scabies are not addictive. Particularly effective at high ambient temperatures (about +28 degrees). Usually, the contents of one ampoule are diluted in 1-2 liters of water and sprayed on the plant. More often used Fosbetsid, Actellik, Karate.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are convenient to use at home, as they, as a rule, do not have toxicity.

The infusion of garlic is used to spray the plant. 5 cloves of garlic, crushed through the garlic, are poured with 1 glass of water at room temperature and left to infuse for a day in a dark place. After that, the solution is filtered and treated with a plant.

Pepper infusion is prepared in the following way: 50 grams of ground fresh bitter pepper is poured with half a liter of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes. Then the solution is infused for a day and filtered. It is stored in a cool place (preferably in the refrigerator). When applied - 1 gram of 72% laundry soap is added to 10 grams of infusion, all this is diluted with 1 liter of water.

Onion infusion. A chopped onion of medium size is poured with a glass of water and infused for at least 12 hours in a dark place. It is filtered and used for spraying plants.

Alcohol solution is recommended to be used only when working with dense leathery leaves of the plant in order to avoid burns to the leaf plate. 15 ml of denatured alcohol is mixed with 15 grams of grated 72% laundry soap and diluted with 1 liter of warm water. Sprayed onto the leaf cover and flower stalk.

It must be remembered that the life cycle of scale insects depends on the ambient temperature and averages 45-65 days. Therefore, to completely get rid of all forms of the existence of scabies on indoor flowers, it is recommended to carry out at least three treatments with an interval of one week.

You should pay attention to the condition of the soil in the pot, since insect eggs can be on its surface.

It is better to replace the topsoil with a new, pre-treated one. Periodically, it is necessary to carefully wipe the location of the plants with a concentrated soap solution.


When acquiring new plants, you must adhere to the following safety measures:

  • The flower is immediately washed under a warm shower and quarantined for 2-3 weeks.
  • A systematic examination of it is carried out for the presence of insects in frequent places of accumulation: the stem, leaf sinuses, two sides of the leaf plate.
  • Household plants are inspected once a month for pests.
  • They are washed with warm water from dust accumulation.
  • Monitor the normal air circulation in the room and wipe the places of accumulation of flowers with disinfectants.
  • Follow the basic rules for caring for plants.

The use of funds from fleas and ticks against scale insects

In addition to the above insecticides, flea remedies are effective against insects, where the active substance is imidacloprid, and / or fipronil and cypermethrin. This is a remedy for fleas, and for lice, ixodid ticks from a veterinary pharmacy: Drops Outpost, Advantix and others.

If you have only one plant infected with a scab, buy the smallest dosage - drops for indoor dogs or cats. If you have a severe infection with scabies, you need to process a few plants, buy drops for large dogs weighing more than 25 kg.

How to process: dilute the contents of the pipette with drops with water, there will be no complete dissolution - you get an emulsion. Dilute a small pipette into 500 ml of water, a large one into 1 liter of warm water.

Then thoroughly moisten all the leaves of the plants on both sides with the resulting emulsion, try to get the solution into the sinuses, cover both the stems and petioles. Be sure to dampen the topsoil.

Leave the solution on the plant to dry. With the same solution (or just soapy), wash the windowsills and windows. When the plants dry, ventilate the room thoroughly. You do not need to wash off flea and tick remedies, if the smell remains, then you can wash off the emulsion the next day.

Usually, a single treatment with flea and tick remedies is sufficient. But if the lesion was very strong, you need to repeat the treatment after 7 days.

If it is not possible to repeat spraying, if there are no oil droplets, another option: make up all the flower pots in large garbage bags (120 l), tie the bag so that it is inflated, but not completely - leave a gap.

Spray fleas and ticks with the most thorough aerosol spray, such as например Bolfo ’aerosol. We do not recommend the use of dichlorvos - it has a very short-term effect and high initial toxicity. So, we put the aerosol in the bag and press the sprayer for 4-5 seconds. We carefully tie the packages, leave it like this for a day. Pests die from suffocating.

It is best to carry out all the procedures on the street (take out the plants in boxes, make up in a basin) or on the balcony.

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