Where do lice come from in a child: ways of infection and methods of treating pediculosis

where do lice come from in a child
Where do lice come from in a child?

Good day! Parents often wonder where their super-clean child lice come from.

This happened with my friend Irina, or rather with her daughter. The girl was ill for a long time and she was prescribed physiotherapy in the clinic. The treatment helped, but also brought a present with itself in the form of lice.

Most likely, the doctors overlooked or did not treat the couch, and a small parasite moved from one head to another. For other cases where lice come from in a child, read the article.

Causes of lice in children

A dangerous, unpleasant hairline disease in both adults and children is pediculosis, and in other words lice.

Children exposed to such an illness often become the object of ridicule and bullying by their peers. But this is not the worst: an infectious disease is dangerous to health and requires immediate treatment.

What is pediculosis in children?

Pediculosis (in the popular vocabulary “lice”) is an infectious disease caused by ectoparasitic blood-sucking insects located in the scalp of the wearer's body. The disease is accompanied by painful sensations from lice bites, itching, rash, with the following consequences: combing and infection of the skin.

A pediatric dermatologist or pediatrician can easily diagnose pediculosis in children with a visual examination or a special Wood lamp.

The place of localization in the initial stages of the occurrence of head lice is the back of the head and whiskey. With pediculosis started, insects parasitize the whole body.

For the treatment of pediatric pediculosis, special insecticidal shampoos and preparations are used, for example: Nyuda, Pedikulen ultra, Paranit, Para plus. Non-observance of personal hygiene rules and inaction in case of detection of lice can lead to confusion of hair caused by insect secretions, manifestation of ulcers and damage to hair follicles. Nits, empty eggs, lice and their feces appear on the child’s head.

Who is at risk?

Unfortunately, children under the age of 14 are in second place according to the age statistics of those infected with head lice. The first place is occupied by persons from 15 to 24 years old, the third - persons from 35 to 50 years.

Where do head lice come from in children? There is an opinion that this disease spreads widely to children growing up in socially disadvantaged conditions, but this is far from the case.

Every fifth child, regardless of social affiliation, suffers from head lice, respectively, almost every child who is in contact with the carrier of infection is at risk.

Causes of occurrence

What are the causes of lice in a child? One of the main causes of pediculosis in children is infection through close contact from a sick child to a healthy one. At first glance, it is impossible to understand whether a child has lice, and to prohibit the communication of his child with peers is simply wildness.

What else causes lice on a child’s head? You can get lice anywhere in the school, kindergarten, courtyard through general hygiene products or during the game. Long and thick hair is most susceptible to this disease.

Lice creep from their previous owner to a new victim. They lay their eggs, breed and cause many problems to their new owner.

The duration of one louse on average is a little more than a month, during this time the female can lay up to 400 eggs, which after two weeks become reproductive. Children infected with lice sleep poorly, become nervous and irritable. Severe itching helps combing the scalp until bleeding and crusts form.

The cause of pediculosis in children can also be weakened immunity, which can play a significant role in the development of ectoparasitic insects, as well as unsanitary conditions. You can pick up lice in public transport, in hairdressers, saunas, etc.

Myths about lice

One of the most common misconceptions that cause lice in the head in children is the assumption that lice can be transmitted from animals to humans. Animal fleas or lice, of course, can bite a person once or twice, but their main habitat is an animal, be it a cat or dog or even a parrot.

Another false rumor, from which there are lice in children, is considered to be the occurrence of pediculosis on nervous grounds or during severe stresses.

Lice are transmitted only from an infected person to a healthy person. There are no other options for the occurrence of the disease. Even unsanitary conditions do not cause pediculosis, but only increase the likelihood of catching an infection.

Why lice may appear again

Why does a child constantly (often) have lice? The reappearance of lice on the child’s head is possible for two reasons:

  1. From an infected carrier to a child who has already been poured from parasites. This often happens with an epidemic of pediculosis, for example, at school, or in a kindergarten group, when treatment was not carried out simultaneously.
  2. The source of parasites remained due to poor-quality treatment or an inadequate choice of drugs. Adults die, and eggs can remain unharmed. In this case, after a couple of weeks, viable and reproductive individuals may appear from the eggs, thereby causing a relapse of pediculosis.

Lice prophylaxis

And yet, if a child has lice - what to do in this case? Compliance with elementary rules, which parents should know about, will maximally protect the child from infection with lice. Prevention of pediculosis in children is to increase the sanitary discipline of children, an explanation of the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness.

Regular change of bed and underwear in conjunction with regular bathing of the child in clean water with appropriate detergents. Washing clothes in hot water and thoroughly cleaning the rooms where children are located will help to avoid the appearance of blood-sucking insects.

A very important point is the systematic visual examination of children, and if a focal point is detected, the disease is immediately isolated and timely treated.

Only parents themselves can save parents from the serious troubles associated with head lice. Take a look at the lifestyle of your child, his environment. Education, including cleanliness lessons, will help to solve many issues.

Causes of lice

Pediculosis is a very common disease at present. And most often it occurs in children. In general, lice are of three types: clothes, pubic and head. Toddlers, as a rule, suffer from the third variant of parasites.

To quickly and efficiently rid a child of lice and nits, pediculosis should be treated as early as possible, so parents need to skillfully and timely check for the presence of foreign organisms on the head of their children.

Most often, the smallest family members bring home lice, who are in close contact with other children in kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions. Lice crawl from one baby to another right during close contact or communication.

Do not forget that these parasites are excellent at jumping. In order to become infected, it is enough just to stand next to a person suffering from head lice for some time. Also, infection can occur during the exchange of combs, hats, towels, items of clothing, etc.

Incubation period

The incubation period of this disease lasts approximately 1-1.5 weeks. Adult female lice lay eggs called “nits” and attach them to human hair using a special sticky substance. Outwardly, nits resemble dandruff, so they do not immediately attract the attention of the infected person.

Further from the eggs appear nymphs of a translucent color, living thanks to the nourishment of human blood, which they receive from the scalp. Then the parasites turn into gray adults and continue to live in the hair, eat and grow.

The main sign of infection is severe itching of the scalp and a state of general discomfort.

How to get rid of head lice and cure a baby

In order to rid your child of lice as soon as possible, treatment should be started immediately after the nits were found on his hair. In addition to complex treatment, one should not forget about regular prevention.

On the shelves of modern pharmacies you can find a variety of drugs for pediculosis. This, for example, is an aerosol called Para-Plus. He is immediately able to act on two main problems - both lice and nits. And also the tool is very convenient to use - it is allowed for children older than 2, 5 years.

Any other drugs based on malathion and permethine are also effective. To make the right choice, you need to make sure that the composition of the product contains these active substances. As a rule, they are available in the form of emulsions.

But as for shampoos, the most ardent fighters against lice and nits in children's hair are phenotrin-based products. But before buying it is important to make sure that his chosen shampoo can be used for young children.

But, no matter which drug is chosen, after using any of them, the baby’s head should be combed carefully with a comb of natural materials, and try to remove all the eggs manually. To comb out traces of parasites was easier, you can use any vegetable oil in the process. In general, the treatment process can take several days.

Prevention at home

Prevention can save a baby from becoming infected with this unpleasant disease. That is why you need to immediately explain to the child that sharing personal hygiene items and things with other children can be dangerous.

It is also important to regularly inspect his head for nits on hair strands.

An excellent preventive measure is tea tree essential oil. A few drops of this oil will be useful to add to each bottle with baby shampoo.

Lice in a child: where did it come from and what to do at home

If a child, upon returning from school or kindergarten, somehow began to scratch his head oddly, any parent will pay attention and check the scalp. And what can you see there? And there is a cluster of lice and their eggs (nits), which are attached to the roots of the hair. This means the child picked up pediculosis.

Many believe, until they encounter this problem, that only homeless people and people who live in unsanitary conditions have lice.And they could only be in the Middle Ages, when hygiene procedures left much to be desired.

However, all these opinions are erroneous. And in the modern world of Lice in a child: where did they come from and what to do at home, this problem is quite common. Lice are mobile and tenacious creatures that can develop immunity to modern anti-pedicule drugs.

Where do they come from

You might think that where in a decent kindergarten or a prestigious school, and even with a full set of hygiene procedures at home, lice can come from? But much is not required to infect them. It is enough to play closely with a child who has these parasites, put on someone else's hat or use a comb.

But in the children's team often practice costumed photoshoots, matinees and concerts. Girls can use their girlfriend’s comb, and that’s enough.

Lice can live without food for a day, waiting for the opportunity to settle on the child’s head (pillows, soft toys and other potential places of their accumulation).

How to detect and recognize

Notice the insects themselves. They cannot jump and fly, however they move quite quickly (10-12 m / h). That is why they can not always be visually detected. An adult louse is an insect that has a gray oval trunk and three pairs of limbs.

How to detect and recognize lice and nits in a child
How to detect and recognize lice and nits in a child

Its dimensions can be in the range of 2-4 mm. It is with the help of the legs that they are held by the scalp. Prefer such places as whiskey, parietal and occipital parts. Lice have a proboscis, which they use to pierce the scalp and suck blood.

During such a “lunch”, saliva passes through it, causing itching. And he, in turn, provokes scratching with possible inflammation and dermatitis.

The hair at the roots themselves (most often) is covered with small white dots - lice eggs (nits). They are attached to the hair with strong glue-like secretions. That is why you can not get rid of them just by washing your hair. Reproduction of lice occurs quite quickly. An adult is capable of laying up to ten of these eggs a day, of which a little lice hatch after a week.

What to do at home

The old method of getting rid of lice with kerosene can be immediately discarded. Now there are many special drugs that are sold in pharmacies. These are creams, sprays and shampoos against pediculosis.

Before buying them, you should ask your doctor or pharmacist which remedy is best for your child. Since the contact of some products with the delicate skin of the baby can cause an allergic reaction.

Each drug has an instruction for use, which is important to carefully study. Usually, the product is applied to the scalp and remains on it for a while. For the best effect, it is recommended to cover the head with a polyethylene cap and wrap the head with a towel.

After time has passed, the hair is thoroughly washed with shampoo and combed with a special comb. If possible, you need to independently view the entire head and remove the remaining nits with your own hands.

If you do not want to take risks, acquiring pharmacy products, you can resort to traditional medicine for help. For the treatment of lice can be used:

  • parsley or mint juice;
  • geranium or olive oil;
  • cranberry juice;
  • a decoction of wormwood.

And yet, in addition to folk remedies, you should seek help from your pediatrician. He can recommend more effective ways to get rid of lice and nits.

After the procedures undertaken, it is necessary to put the child in clean linen and clothes. Things that have been worn for two weeks, bedding and towels should be thoroughly washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees. Do not wash children's clothes with adults.

How to treat if brought lice from school or from kindergarten

In the case when a child becomes infected with lice in a kindergarten or school, and his parents left him at home for several days for treatment, this does not guarantee complete recovery. Since there is a big risk that re-infection will occur.

If pediculosis occurs, it is necessary to inform the school (garden). If the management of the institution ignores the information received, you should contact the higher authorities (clinic, SES, etc.). The educational institution should be closed for quarantine with its subsequent sanitization.

It is important not to forget about the child in all the bustle of fighting against lice. We should have a conversation with him and explain: he did not become bad from this. And those children who infected him did it unintentionally. If there is a need to shave the child, it is also important to have an explanatory conversation. This is especially true for girls who are proud of their thick and long curls.

Where do lice come from in children and how to solve the problem

There are many methods for transferring insects between children:

  • During a game with peers who are infected with head lice.
  • In contact with infected children in schools and kindergartens.
  • While attending crowded events.
  • In public transport.
  • While visiting tanning salons and pools.
  • In crowded places where normal sanitary conditions are not observed.
  • When using the personal belongings of an infected person - combs, hair ornaments, clothes.

Insects can be transmitted from one child to another even before their symptoms are noticeable in an infected baby. This further complicates the task of prevention.

Therefore, it is not worth complaining about the parents of a child who has become a source of infection for other children. They could simply not know about their child’s problem due to the lack of basic symptoms.

A strong infection with pediculosis manifests itself several weeks after the settlement of the first louse. When infected, one or more insects settle in the hair, which lay a large number of larvae. Of these, small pests appear.

Unlike adult insects, nits are not able to be transmitted from one person to another. These are lice eggs attached with a special, sticky composition to the hairs closer to the root, which are completely non-mobile. Larvae appear exclusively from adult lice. If you find nits in your head, then there are insects.

What is the peculiarity of infecting children?

The process of pediculosis infection in children is no different from infection with lice in adults. But in childhood, this problem often makes itself felt.

Doctors identify a number of reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Children are less careful about personal hygiene. They do not hesitate to take someone else's comb, use each other's hairpins and elastic bands, and put on someone else's hat without any problems.
  2. During the game, children have no barriers to bodily contact.
  3. Not all children bypass antisocial guys.
  4. Children are very sociable.

It turns out that the likelihood of getting lice in children is much higher than in any adult. They can catch head lice on the street, at school or in the garden, while visiting circles and sections, as well as simply by public transport. Statistics confirm that in children, infection with lice occurs on average 5 times more often than in adults.

Interestingly, pediculosis in adult family members most often occurs as a result of infection from a child. Therefore, if one of the older family members has lice, be sure to look at the heads of the children - there may be an unpleasant surprise. Children sometimes simply hide the problem from their parents.

Pediculosis is an unpleasant disease that causes a number of complexes and can even be the cause of ridicule by evil peers. Therefore, often schoolchildren do their best not to show that something is bothering them.

Myths About Pediculosis

Almost everyone knows where lice come from.Everyone understands that the infection process is carried out from person to person or from infected things. But methods for relocating insects are not known to everyone. In this regard, there are several common myths that I would like to immediately refute.

Lice are able to jump. Perhaps this opinion arose when comparing lice with fleas. But the head louse is not capable of jumping, as it has a rather massive body. But she can crawl quickly and perfectly clings in the process of moving hairs, which explains such a quick infection.

Infection with lice can occur from animals. And again, there is a comparison with fleas that hide in the wool of insects and cause them a lot of inconvenience. But there is nothing in common. Lice can parasitize only on humans.

By the way, animal-eaters live on animals, which are also able to receive food exclusively from animals. On the human body, they quickly die. So to worry that in contact with smaller brothers the child becomes infected with head lice is not necessary. But worms may well settle in the body crumbs.

Pediculosis is a childhood disease. This is fiction. Adults also suffer from pediculosis, but less often. And if parasites in the hair are found in your child, it will not hurt to immediately treat all family members.

Head louse carries diseases. For our latitudes, this is not true, because the head louse that lives in the hair of our children does not have the ability to tolerate diseases. But there is such a possibility with infection with lice in the countries of South America and Africa.

Lice choose the heads of socially disordered people. Usually homeless people, alcoholics, people who do not follow the rules of personal hygiene, have lice. These people simply do not fight the population of insects that attack their hair. But contrary to the widespread belief that lice love dirt, everything is completely different.

Bloodsuckers choose a clean head if possible, because in the absence of a layer of dirt and subcutaneous fat, it is much easier for an insect to get to the blood that they feed on.

Pediculosis appears on the background of a nervous breakdown. With nervous disorders, itching may occur in the scalp, which soon passes. But an adult louse in this case does not arise just like that.

How to identify and cure a problem?

Children start scratching their heads for various reasons. This reaction can cause dandruff or nervous disorders, strong feelings. Therefore, before starting to treat pediculosis when the first signs of itching appear, it will not hurt to verify the presence of a problem.

For this:

  • Hair is thoroughly combed over a white sheet with a thick comb. If infection occurs, several insects will fall onto the sheet.
  • Inspect the baby's hair. When infected on hairs about 2-2.5 cm from the roots, white nits will be visible. They are difficult to remove from the hair and when clicked, they make a crack.

If during examination suspicions are confirmed, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment. Modern drugs help to quickly and easily cope with a problem with a competent approach. To get rid of lice, you need to use a special shampoo or treat your head with an anti-pedicle spray or cream.

You can choose any drug at your discretion in the pharmacy and use it strictly according to the instructions. After processing, the hair is thoroughly combed out with a thick comb to remove dead and remaining live insects. A good comb will help comb out part of the nits.

Repeat the treatment after a week to get rid of insects that could appear from the surviving nits.

To make sure that the treatment is carried out correctly, it will not hurt to inspect the hair for the presence of nits on the hair. If during the examination no nits were detected, most likely pediculosis could be cured. There is no need to conduct hair treatment again.

Lice protection

Prevention of lice is very simple, only not every child can follow the recommendations:

  • Do not use other children's personal items.
  • Avoid contact with unfamiliar people.
  • Girls with long hair are advised to do tight hairstyles and braid their hair while visiting groups, so that bloodsuckers have less opportunity to grab a hair and crawl.

Parents should check their children's hair condition from time to time. To fix the problem at the initial stage is much simpler than to treat a strong infection with pediculosis.

Methods of transmitting lice in children

Lice are a common disease transmitted from person to person through contact. Pediculosis or, in other words, lice is an acute problem that can occur not only in adults, but also in the older generation. Children faced with such an awkward situation are often subjected to ridicule and criticism by their peers.

And this is not the most difficult circumstance. The disease spreads rapidly, so the child must be treated immediately.

How do lice start, and who runs the risk of contracting them? The first category includes people aged 14 to 25 years, in the second place - children under 14 years old, the population of 35 years and older is less susceptible to infection.

Where do lice come from in children? There is a rather controversial theory that the disease spreads to children living in dysfunctional families, to parents who do not care about their healthy development and growth. But still, this is nothing more than an annoying myth.

According to experts, every fifth young child is exposed to the spread of lice, regardless of the conditions of detention and social circle. Therefore, any adolescent who has direct contact with the carrier of infection can be in the lesion focus.

Reasons for the appearance

Where do head lice come from in children? The most common cause of infection is the close interaction of a healthy child with an infected person. The parent cannot immediately determine if the child is healthy or infected. But you must admit that this is far from a reason to protect your child from contact with other children. The child must develop in a team.

You can get lice everywhere: in kindergarten, on the playground, in developing centers, during outdoor games or when using common household and hygiene items.

Parasites quickly migrate from the host to a new object. The problem is complicated by the fact that parasites lay eggs, aggravating the task of hatching them. After a month, the female is able to lay up to 400 eggs, which is a gigantic figure!

After 14 days, each individual is ready to reproduce. One of the manifestations of pediculosis in children is irritability, as well as poor sleep and nervousness.

The child combs itchy areas of the head cover. Bleeding wounds and abrasions form on the skin. If the child is often sick, and his immunity is weakened, then this can also play a key role in infection. Unsanitary conditions are the most dangerous cause of failure. An adult can become infected with lice in public places, baths, saunas, transport, beauty salons, city beaches.

Reasons for Relapse

Why does a child constantly have lice? This phenomenon can be fully explained by two factors:

  1. Contact of the recovered child with the infected child. When an epidemic begins, it is difficult to cure everyone at once. Therefore, in kindergartens there is such a risk of re-acquiring the disease.
  2. Interrupted treatment or improperly selected medications. Adult parasites are easily etched, but the eggs do not disappear and continue to develop. Thus, in a week new individuals hatch, continuing to infect the body and reproduce the offspring of new lice.

Treatment methods

Preparations for cure are very diverse and can be presented in the form of shampoos, ointments, tablets, creams and sprays. This type of medicine is divided into: medication, mixed (combined), based on oils.

The longest way without resorting to medication is to intensively comb your hair. The process is supported for 14 days. So get rid not only of viable insects, but also of their larvae.

Disease prevention

The basic precautionary rule is maintaining daily hygiene. Talk with your child before leaving your home about this. Rinse your head more often with a special shampoo. Change your bedding and casual clothes to clean. Consider the causes of pediculosis in children.

Comb your hair thoroughly several times a day. Minimize contact with people living in the unsanitary zone, as they can be carriers of infection. Examine the scalp for any unpleasant parasite neighborhood.

Remember that hygiene products are personal in nature and are not passed on to others, even if they are members of the same family. These items include combs, towels, clothes. Remind your child how to behave in kindergarten and keep in touch with other children.

This will greatly reduce the risk of pediculosis transmission. An excellent herbal remedy is tea tree oil. Insects do not tolerate this smell, so generously lubricate the hair and neck of the child.

Knowing the causes of lice in a child, it is easier to prevent the disease.

Other methods of killing parasites in children

Parents who are faced with the appearance of pediculosis in children are wondering where lice come from and how to get rid of them?

Pediculosis is a common problem, especially if the child communicates a lot with peers (at school or in kindergarten) who ignore the rules of personal hygiene. What are the causes of lice in your hair?

Common Causes

Modern parents try to look after the kids as best as possible, but signs of pediculosis are found everywhere.

Here are the main causes of lice:

  • non-observance of personal hygiene, long and tangled curls - an ideal place for the reproduction of lice;
  • asocial living conditions for the child (dirt, unsanitary conditions and lack of personal hygiene in the whole family) only contribute to the onset of pediculosis;
  • long hair is considered a common cause of lice, as parasites have more opportunities to cling to curls;
  • contact with other children or adults infected with lice increases the likelihood of insects in the hair;
  • swimming in the same water with infected children or adults causes parasites (pool, bath, joint bathing).

There are many ways to transmit such insects. During a crush on a bus, lice can crawl from one person to another, and in the process of swimming together, the risk of infection is very high.

However, children most often catch infection during joint games in kindergarten or at school. If at least one child in the group is infected with lice, the risk of their appearance in other babies is great.

Do not ignore the issues of personal hygiene. The unwillingness of the child to wash his hair leads to the fact that lice settle on his head for a long time.

Common lice myths

Pediculosis is such a common problem that lice are credited with opportunities that they actually never possessed. What myths about these parasites are misleading about the causes of lice in children?

Lice jump. Unlike fleas, these insects lack the ability to jump long distances. The louse moves slowly, on average, at a speed of 20 cm per minute. To get these insects you need a long and close contact;

Insects are transmitted through animals or food.. Unlike helminths, lice are transmitted to the child in only one way: through direct contact. These parasites live only in the human hair, but on the coat of a dog or cat they cannot exist;

Head lice carry infections. In Europe, now there are no such insects that transmit deadly diseases. Similar parasites live only on the African continent and in South America;

Insects are dangerous only for children.. This myth is misleading to many parents. If a child picked up parasites in kindergarten or school, then the heads of all family members will have to be processed. Otherwise, having rid the child of lice, the parents will immediately infect him again;

When lice appear, the child must be shaved bald. The settled stereotype forces parents to resort to the old-fashioned method and shave their own children on their bald spots. This technique of combating pediculosis is an extreme case, because there are a lot of drugs and folk methods that help preserve curls, completely eliminating parasites.

One louse is not dangerous. There is a stereotype that one louse caught on the hair is not terrible for the child. In fact, these insects breed at an enormous speed, and after a couple of weeks, all the baby’s hair will be covered with nits and lice.

In schools, children’s heads are examined every six months. Thanks to this, it is possible to detect pediculosis in time and isolate the child before he has time to re-peer.

Methods for determining lice

Having figured out where lice come from on the child’s head, you need to tell about the first alarming symptoms. The sooner parents can identify problems, the higher the likelihood that they can get rid of lice quickly, without consequences. Here are the main signs of pediculosis in children:

  • the child scratches his head all the time, becomes irritable, sleeps little;
  • ulcers similar to chronic dermatitis sometimes appear on the skin of the face and neck;
  • on the hair itself, you can see white dots, similar to dandruff, which are nits;
  • the hair itself seems weakened, brittle.

The easiest way to identify the problem is by carefully monitoring the behavior of the child. The baby will constantly scratch his head, complain of itching and burning. These symptoms only increase after shampooing, since it is easier for an insect to move around clean ringlets.

To strengthen suspicion, you should sit the child on a chair under a light source, carefully examining the skin on his head. If pediculosis is in its early stages, parents will be able to detect small lice. If the disease has been progressing for a long time, it will be possible to find dead individuals entangled in the hair.

In advanced cases, the scalp looks combed, and in some places red and blue marks appear. Bacteria penetrate the child’s body through these wounds on the head, so treatment should be started immediately!

If white dots on strands, similar to dandruff, also confuse the parent, you should try to remove them and crush them. Nits are removed from the hair with difficulty, and when pressed, characteristic cotton is issued.

Doctors use special lamps, thanks to which live nits glow blue. A manual inspection is also used, in which it is possible to find disturbing signs in a minute. The reasons for the infection of children can be different, but despite this variety, you should not hesitate. The sooner parents begin treatment, the better for their child.

Medical insect control methods

Modern effective drugs for pediculosis in children are developed in accordance with the age of the baby, the characteristics of his body. What drugs have proven themselves to be the best, safe?

  • The drug "Pedilin", which is made on the basis of Malathion.
  • Medifox-gel, Hygia, Nittifor shampoo, which are made on the basis of Permethrin.
  • Foxilon lotion very carefully affects the scalp, which is why it is so wildly popular.
  • You can give preference to the Para Plus aerosol, which has a beneficial effect on getting rid of the signs of head lice due to the presence of components such as piperonyl butoxide, Permethrin, Malathion.

Each drug has features, disadvantages. Most often, excited parents prefer to use shampoos or gels, because with their help in 2-3 procedures you can get rid of unfortunate insects.

The term for applying the product in each case is individual: from ten minutes to twelve hours. After this period has passed, the hair must be washed, after which it will remain to comb out the dead insects.

It is recommended to strictly follow the instructions, because if it is not observed, even the most effective drug will be useless. You can use the drug after consulting a doctor, otherwise an allergic reaction cannot be avoided. In some children, allergies occur to any chemical compounds, even the safest ones.

How to remove louse without using expensive drugs based on chemical components? There are many popular methods, here are the most common ones:

  • from kerosene and vegetable oil (proportion 1:10), it is necessary to apply on the curls along the entire length, paying special attention to the tips, and in the morning you will need to wash your hair, carefully comb the insects with a comb or a special comb from lice and nits;
  • cranberry juice along with berries must be applied to the hair, left overnight, because the product fights not only with adult insects, but also with nits;
  • apply petroleum jelly or coconut oil to the hair along the entire length, after putting on a hat that fits tightly on the scalp. The lack of oxygen overnight will destroy all insects, it remains only to wash and comb the curls;
  • you can wash your hair with tar soap, which in 2–3 doses will destroy all insects;
  • applying hydrogen peroxide to the hair, followed by combing nits and lice.

Folk recipes have their advantages, among which is the price. The methods are elementary simple, and a positive result appears quickly. Not all methods are suitable for children.

So, the treatment of pediculosis with vinegar is unacceptable for babies under the age of 12-14 years, since the composition itself can adversely affect the delicate scalp, causing burns.

Kerosene treatment, despite its effectiveness, is also considered not the best option, since the smell of the composition is unpleasant, and its application to the affected curls leads to severe itching.

Alternative methods can be used in conjunction with medications, achieving rapid disposal of insects.

Pediculosis prevention: the main methods

It is always easier to pre-prevent the development of the disease than to face its unpleasant consequences. What preventive actions should parents take to prevent the appearance of lice in children?

  1. From early childhood to accustom the child to cleanliness and hygiene, because then the risk of picking up lice will be much less.
  2. To teach the baby to keep at least a minimum distance when communicating with peers, otherwise, while in kindergarten and school, the child will regularly pick up insects.
  3. Parents should examine the baby’s head weekly in order to identify pediculosis in time, preventing its development.
  4. Since childhood, girls need to be taught to carefully comb their long hair, keeping them clean.
  5. It is necessary to minimize the child’s contact with other people's things, especially with combs and hats, since pediculosis is most often transmitted through them.

You can scare away harmful parasites using lavender oil or bergamot, which after washing your hair is applied to the area behind the ears and on the back of the head. The smell of these ethereal compounds scares off the neck.For the same purpose, you can use tea tree oil, whose aroma is intolerable to parasites.

It is impossible to reduce the risk of infection with lice to 0, because not a child, but an adult can bring these tenacious parasites to the house. However, regular examination of the baby's hair will help reduce the risk of developing head lice to a minimum.

If the child showed signs of head lice, he does not need to be taken to kindergarten, because then he rebuilds his own friends. It is better to arrange an impromptu quarantine for a couple of days and get treatment.

Lice bother many children, sometimes because of their appearance in one family member, everyone gets infected. It is better to fight the disease using a variety of methods, because then the likelihood of getting rid of head lice will be higher.

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