Cockroaches appeared in the apartment: what to do and how to exterminate the synanthropic pests

cockroaches appeared in the apartment
In the apartment there were cockroaches what to do

Good day. Last summer, I went to visit my sister for a whole month.

I wanted to plunge into the everyday city bustle. But the trip was remembered to me by a completely different event. Somewhere already on the first day of my stay, everyone woke up from the cry of a little daughter.

In the middle of the night, she went to the kitchen to drink water and saw a cockroach there. Very scared. They first encountered such an unexpected guest, and I know these comrades well. Want to know what to do if cockroaches appeared in the apartment? The main thing is not to panic, but I will write about all other actions now.

Cockroaches in the house

Cockroaches moved to you? They brought along all their belongings and threaten to stay on completely? Before your eyes, they start families and equip life. They also wonder why you are not enthusiastic about such a neighborhood.

Cockroaches are long-standing companions of man in his life, so history has not deprived the existence of these insects with all sorts of signs. In residential premises, two types of cockroaches most often start - black and red.

Black cockroaches. They say that these cockroaches appear only in the homes of the elect, in order to predict their wealth and prosperity. If cockroaches appeared in your house, then the family will become stronger, and quarrels and all kinds of economic squabbles will leave the house.

In the old days they even fed black cockroaches crumbs from the table, considering them friends of the brownie, which, as you know, cannot be offended.

Black and red cockroaches, although they are representatives of the same biological detachment, never coexist in the same house together. They compete for space, food and water. As a result, as a rule, the Prussians win. The reason for this is that their population is growing faster than blacks.

Prusaki. Regarding red cockroaches, they say that they appear only in the house in which there is already plenty, but along with the Prussians, sadness and hardships appear in the house.

Therefore, at all times, the public did not favor the red-haired neighbors, harassing them with dried herbs. For example, our ancestors fought with them with yarrow leaves, laying them in the places where these insects live.

Where do they come from

Cockroaches can leave for their new settlement leaving their old master. If your neighbors poison cockroaches, then they can move to you to try their luck in a new place.

Cockroaches can move into your home with purchases. Especially a lot of them live in markets where water and food are in the public domain.If a pregnant female cockroach gets into your food package, it will give life to a whole population of these insects.

If you stayed with people who have cockroaches, or spent the night in a hotel attacked by creeping insects, check your stuff. Insects can get into your home by hiding in a suitcase among clothes.

Be careful when you bring things into your home from places where cockroaches can potentially live. It is better to prevent their reproduction than to fight them later.

Are the Prussians in the house dangerous?

A home cockroach is not just an unpleasant phenomenon. Even despite the "positive" signs that approve of the presence of cockroaches in the home, you should not put up with them.

Cockroaches are carriers of infections. In addition to your kitchen, these insects can move around in search of food in any space of a residential building. Imagine if a couple of cockroaches decides to take a walk into the sewers or garbage chute, how many pathogenic bacteria will settle on their abdomen and legs!

Rummaging through sewage, and then moving to the kitchen, they climb onto the tables, look for crumbs in unpacked bags of bread, crawl along the dishes from which you eat.

Bacteria and infections that are brought in with cockroaches in apartments can cause a number of diseases in the inhabitants. When thinking about fighting parasites or not, keep in mind that they can cause dysentery, pneumonia, salmonellosis (acute intestinal infection), and even meningitis.

Infectious diseases, the carriers of which are cockroaches, can affect not only a person, but also a pet. An animal that decides to profit from an interesting moving object can get sick by itself, and also become the same carrier for you.

To protect your pets from infection, make sure that he has no temptation to hunt infected insects.

If cockroaches are wound up in the house, then a large amount of food will be thrown away simply because a cockroach crawled along it. And this applies not only to squeamish people.

Any person who understands what damage to health can be caused by eating foods that a mustachioed insect crawled over will throw them away without hesitation. In order not to spoil the good products - make sure that there are no cockroaches in your kitchen.

Cockroaches are a source of allergens that can cause severe allergies. Vital products of insects, their skin, which remains after molting and the dried remains of dead bodies, mixed with dust, can spread around the room.

In this form, they get on the skin, in the respiratory tract and on the eye mucosa. As a result, there are diseases of the respiratory tract, skin, eyes.

If you notice signs of an allergic lesion of the skin (the skin itches, reddens, rashes appear), the lining of the eyes becomes inflamed (the eyes watery, itchy, “fill up with blood”), symptoms of bronchial asthma appear (cough with wheezing, asthma attacks) - then these symptoms trigger there may be six-legged neighbors.

But it’s not at all necessary to wait until the sad consequences of such a neighborhood overtake you and your loved ones. Even these reasons are enough to declare war on cockroaches.

How to Drive Out Uninvited Guests

Cockroach colonies bypass the dwelling in which there is nothing to profit. Therefore, to begin the fight against cockroaches, it is necessary to restore order in the cooking zone. If you live in a communal apartment and you have a common kitchen, then you need to put things in order by common efforts.

Explain to your neighbors that uncleaned food, cereals stored in plastic bags, and waste that is freely accessible are all sources of food for insects. To deprive the cockroaches of food, order is necessary.

  • Regularly clean food crumbs under the table, behind the stove, in the cabinets where bulk or crumbling foods are stored;
  • Take out the trash in a timely manner, clean and dry the trash can;
  • Do not store dirty dishes on the table or in the sink;
  • Eliminate any plumbing leaks, wipe the sink and countertop dry from drops of water. Cockroaches need a constant source of moisture. In a house where they cannot quench their thirst, baleen insects simply cannot survive.
  • Make sure that the bathroom does not have excessive humidity;
  • Store any food in closed containers.

Cockroaches are mainly nocturnal. Therefore, just before nightfall, your kitchen should "shine with cleanliness." In the house where they struggle with cockroaches, order should become a constant companion.

If you put things in order from time to time, then the cockroaches will not have enough arguments to move away from you, because they can survive without food for several weeks. Only perfect order, lack of food residues and lack of water will make baleen insects leave your home.

Only after the house began to practice sanitation, you can start using traps, crayons, powders and gels, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

What are the pests afraid?

In a comprehensive fight against cockroaches, all means are good. In order to encourage nasty roommates to relocate, the following measures are applied:

  • Cooling the room. Cockroaches love warmth, so if you leave the windows open in the cold season, they will realize that they are not welcome here;
  • White rat. They say that cockroaches do not tolerate the smell of rats and run out of the house when a tailed pet appears in it;
  • Aroma attack. Cockroaches cannot live in a house that smells of cedar, eucalyptus, mint and anise. These smells do not destroy, but only frighten off the Prussians and their black brothers.

But if you systematically distribute these smells around the apartment, for example, in an aroma lamp, by the way, not without health benefits, then you will definitely push your “neighbors” to think about finding less fragrant housing.

What if cockroaches appeared in the apartment?

Cockroaches have always lived next to a person. There are several thousand species of cockroaches. These are the oldest creatures on earth. They calmly adapt to life both in hot countries and in countries with a temperate climate. They are not found only at the North Pole.

These tenacious pests are practically not afraid of anything. Scientists claim that since the time of the dinosaurs, these creatures have not changed their appearance.

Currently, they are quietly surviving under conditions of increased levels of radiation exposure, which is ten times more than a person can survive.

What harm do people do?

The harm from cockroaches in scientific circles is called blatteropterosis. This term includes allergies, transmission of infections and eggs of worms, as well as mechanical damage to human skin with bites. Cockroaches are not so harmless creatures as many believe. These uninvited guests are not harmless individuals at all, but real monsters.

Human disease carriers. Insects quickly and easily move around the house, including bathrooms, garbage chutes, sewers with sewage, attics with bird droppings and cellars with rats.

An incredible amount of bacteria, helmitte eggs and fungal spores settle on their paws and abdomens. All this "good" moves to the kitchen table, to food, to the dishes, to kitchen cabinets.

The digestive system of cockroaches contains pathogens. Scientists have proven that cockroaches carry pathogens of such serious diseases as:

  • dysentery;
  • salmonellosis;
  • urogenital infections;
  • meningitis and many others.

Allergy. Cockroaches are sources of allergens in the apartment. Chitinous covers after molting, excrement, and the corpses of dead individuals in combination with house dust can cause a person: allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, dermatitis.

Food spoilage. Insects do not destroy food, but rather spoil it. Cockroaches run through all products if they are not hermetically packed, leaving germs on them. It would be logical to throw away all these products. But most likely a person will not do this.

Therefore, the question appeared cockroaches what to do, there is only one answer - to urgently get rid of them.

How to enter the home

Where do these malicious insects come from, where do the cockroaches live in the apartment and where do they hide? The development of international trade and tourism has led to the fact that not only familiar Prussians and black cockroaches began to be found in dwellings.

You can also find exotic white, American chestnut-brown and huge Madagascar cockroaches.

And if you consider that in the world of cockroaches, there are more than 5,000 species, then you do not have to relax. Pests can also be brought into the apartment in a bag of groceries, on things, from a business trip or from another home.

Cockroaches love secluded, inaccessible places. They hide in groups under baseboards, behind a refrigerator and heating pipes, under a sink, in kitchen cabinets, in the bathroom, in the bin and in various slots. In the daytime they are not visible, but at night these monsters crawl out of all the cracks and begin their feast.

What conditions do the Prussians like?

The first is the availability of food. Introduced even one cockroach within a few weeks creates a large colony. This happens especially quickly if food is leaking in the house, there is always dirty dishes in the sink, crumbs on the table and an uncovered overflowing bin.

Unfortunately, pests appear and live even in clean apartments. They are very tenacious and adapt quickly. They can eat inedible food: skin, houseplants, paper, paste and even feces.

They may not eat from 40 to 70 days! Hungry cockroaches become dangerous and can bite people. Insects quickly get used to poisons that act on them like drugs. They freeze and become like the dead. After a while, the cockroaches will wake up and run into their crevices.

Pests are able to control the size of the offspring: if there is little food and processing is often done, the number of cubs from one cocoon will be no more than 25 individuals. If the apartment has "cockroach expanse", in each brood there will be more than 60 cubs!

Extermination of parasites

Another problem: there were cockroaches in the apartment, what should I do if they walk around the territory even during the day? This is a signal: there are so many pests that they do not have enough places for shelter.

Urgent action is required:

  • Clear-out using detergents.
  • Hide all food by placing it in airtight plastic or glass containers. The main thing is that the lid is tight. Pay special attention to flour and sweets. Do not use plastic bags for storage, they are not an obstacle for the Prussians.
  • Place the garbage bag in a special bucket with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Block all possible sources of water. Close the taps well, wipe the sinks, shower stall or bathtub dry. Let the Prussians feel uncomfortable! Without water, cockroaches die in 7 days.

After such actions, proceed to the removal of cockroaches. It must be remembered that if after processing at least 5% of the pests remain, then exactly in a month they will be 15% more than before. So the question: cockroaches in the house what to do, one answer. Must be poisoned! But you need to do this competently.

Folk remedies

Among folk remedies, the use of boric acid powder from cockroaches can be considered the most popular. It is added to the dough or potatoes and the bait is laid out. The advantage of this method is that it is absolutely safe for humans.

The disadvantage is that the drug acts slowly and not very effectively.Some adults die when they eat poison, while larvae continue to develop.

Earlier in Russia, in order to get rid of harmful insects, huts were frozen. These tenacious pests do not tolerate too low temperatures and the method has proven effective. In a city apartment, with central heating, it is unlikely that it will be possible to freeze tenants.

It is believed that the Prussians do not like the smell of ammonia, therefore, it is recommended to wash the floors with this tool. A difficult method: after all, the owners of the apartment will also be forced to breathe these vapors with wet cleaning.

The treatment of insects with aromatic oils also refers to folk methods of getting rid of Prussians. It may be the smell of eucalyptus, cedar or red elderberry. Cockroaches also can not stand the smell of mint and anise. The disadvantages of this method are that aromas only scare away, but do not destroy, the Prussians.

Chemicals for fighting

Often, after using folk remedies, cockroaches in the apartment do not completely disappear, what to do and how to effectively get rid of them? Use chemicals to control cockroaches.

When choosing a professional remedy for cockroaches, you must consider:

  1. features of the apartment;
  2. number of cockroaches;
  3. own needs.

Means must be:

  • effective;
  • comfortable;
  • affordable.

An effective remedy - gel from cockroaches Fas, solves the problem in apartments, where insects were poisoned a lot and unsuccessfully. That is, where cockroaches are used to poisons.

In its composition, Fas cockroach gel contains different types of insecticide that complement each other.

The insect attracts the gel by smell, they prefer the gel even to food debris. According to reviews, after using the gel, a peak of death of uninvited guests sets in a week later. After 2 - 3 weeks, the pests will not. The gel is applied in chains - drops with a distance of 5 - 10 cm in places of accumulation of cockroaches.

An excellent pencil option from cockroaches Masha can be bought inexpensively in any store. It is still in great demand today, since the manufacturer is releasing new forms all the time, adding more and more powerful but safe components for people.

The modern crayfish Mashenka from cockroaches consists of an insecticide of nerve action. Using the drug is quite simple: with a pencil from Mashenka cockroaches, smear the walls, baseboards, cabinets and soon there will be no cockroaches.

One of the most famous and safe means - Raptor gel from cockroaches and ants reviews about this tool are only positive. The main condition for processing is the absence of people in the home. Advantages of the drug: inexpensive price, ease of use, lack of smell, effectiveness.

It is also effective to buy a Global cockroach remedy that can be combined with the perfect combination: price - quality. One drop of Global gel can poison 500 cockroaches! An effective remedy for cockroaches Agran is also used to exterminate bugs and other domestic insects. It is made in India.

Instant poison - a remedy for cockroaches Dohloks. Dohloks gel will help get rid of pests quickly and forever, even with a strong infection. It contains a high content of toxic substances, so the effect can be obtained quickly.

You can buy a good and economical remedy for dichlorvos from cockroaches which reviews are only positive. This is the oldest remedy, but modern Dichlorvos has an improved composition and lack of smell.

A popular way to get rid of cockroaches is with an ultrasonic repeller.

Such a device is bought because of its ease of use. Even the price does not stop, for many, comfort and safety always comes first. You can simply plug the device into a power outlet and permanently get rid of uninvited guests.

In this case, no insecticides, no unpleasant odor and completely safe for health.Today, cockroach repeller can be easily bought on the Internet.

There is another option - to make a cockroach repeller with your own hands, finding a variety of schemes on the network on the forums. It's easy enough for technically competent people.

If self-processing does not bring results and pests still bother, professional sanitation from cockroaches will help, which guarantees getting rid of these monsters for a long time.

Why do cockroaches appear in the apartment, what if I got wound up?

Prussians are small insects, the most nasty and popular parasites in the world. They do not harm a person in the truest sense of the word. But their invasion cannot be called a rainbow event. After all, often this happens in homes that can hardly be called nurseries of unsanitary conditions.

Where do they come from?

The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment is always an unpleasant surprise for a person. Probably, there are practically no people in the world who would be happy with such a society of insects.

However, in order to resolve the issue of eliminating such uninvited guests, you must first establish how exactly they got into the house. In fact, there are many options for the penetration of the Prussians into the apartment. Here is a list of the most common.

From the neighbors. If the apartment of the roommates of the house is inhabited by pests, then their destruction remains a completely logical desire of its inhabitants. As practice shows, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of all insects. This means that several individuals will always survive.

Fleeing from the premises where active disinfection is carried out, the Prussians fall into neighboring apartments, where they can settle down. If there is enough food and water available, they quickly settle in a new place and multiply.

Therefore, if someone starts a fight with cockroaches, it is advisable to warn the neighbors about this. Few will be happy with such a "gift."

With shopping. Quite often, when purchasing certain goods, small insects can accidentally get inside. This often applies to a variety of household appliances, computers, large boxes and the like.

Although such things are not of particular interest to the Prussians, they could have accidentally climbed into it and got into a person’s house in transit. People often think about why cockroaches appear in an apartment - a sign says that this is a sign of unsanitary conditions.

However, it is obvious that there are situations when the occurrence of pests does not have to be accompanied by insufficient cleanliness in the house. However, their distribution already depends on this factor.

With the products. When buying regular “snacks” in the spontaneous market or in warehouses, there is always the risk of a “cockroach” as a “gift”. Although this happens quite rarely, however, there are situations when the Prusak crawls into the bag, smelling the smell of food.

When using other people's things. The transportation of old little-used wardrobe items may be fraught with the spread of Prusaks. It is very important before you bring such a thing into the house, carefully check it. No one wants pests along with an old jacket in the house.

In the parcels. In the modern world, shipping goods across the planet has become routine. Nobody knows exactly how and where these or those goods are packaged in a particular country. Often, along with a new laptop in a box, a small "emigrant" may accidentally lurk, which will cause the growth of a whole colony of their own kind.

Having studied these basic causes of the appearance of insects, it becomes a little more clear where they come from in the apartment.

Additional causes

If everything is clear with the way the cockroaches actually entered the house, then it is not always clear why they still continue to spread in a particular dwelling. The fact is that the Prussians require certain conditions for development.Human dwellings are an ideal place for them.

Here is everything they need for a quiet existence:

  • Stable air temperature and humidity.
  • Sufficient food supplies.
  • Water.
  • Space for breeding.

However, it is worth considering the fact that, when pest colonies of a certain size are reached, some of the cockroaches lack food and migrate to neighboring apartments or premises in search of new discoveries.

Thus, one group of insects can gradually populate a whole porch or multi-storey building, therefore, if a neighbor has a corresponding problem, it is advisable to warn others about this so that they can take preventative measures.

Prusaki - a sign of unsanitary conditions

Whoever says anything, but the Prussians more often appear in those places where order and cleanliness are not respected. If the question arises: "What should I do if cockroaches appeared in the apartment?", Then start by looking for the reasons for their spread.

Most often, the factors contributing to the growth of pests are the following.

Free access to food. Even just a table with crumbs of bread on it, uncleaned garbage or even a sandwich left on a plate can attract Prussians. Cockroaches are nocturnal insects. Therefore, it is extremely important to hide all products in the refrigerator for this period, and carefully clean the surfaces.

Garbage needs to be taken out every day. Thus, it is possible to leave pests without food, which will force them to leave the house. However, most often, additionally it is necessary to use an appropriate insect repellent.

Abundance of water. Cockroaches can drink from the same places as people or even from the ground in a flower pot. In order to isolate them from the necessary moisture, it is worth wiping dry all the sinks, to prevent leakage from the tap, and watering the flowers only in the morning for complete assimilation of water by the plant.

Such simple steps will prevent the reproduction of insects too fast. Of course, it is unlikely that they can be destroyed only by such methods, however, it will be possible to win a little time.

What if they appeared in the apartment?

So, there were cockroaches in the apartment what to do? Here is the main problem that arises before a person in such a difficult period. In any case, it is necessary to begin an appropriate pest control if there is no desire to tolerate their presence.

There are several fundamental points that must be remembered and followed for the successful eradication of pests.

Get out of the apartment. This is not about the usual transfer of things from one place to another, but about a full-fledged general cleaning. It is necessary to carefully study the possible places of penetration of the Prussians into the house and eliminate them, to get rid of old things.

Sort all food, eliminate water leakage, if any, and more. The cleaner the apartment, the less chance the insects have for a quiet life.

Engage in the direct destruction of uninvited guests. Any poison that is sold in stores and designed to eliminate the Prussians may do. However, you should first ask what is the most powerful tool.

The benefit at the moment in the free sale there are really effective drugs that quickly destroy pests. If you can’t clean the house yourself, then you should turn to specialized services for help.

To regularly prevent the appearance of cockroaches. To do this, you need to maintain cleanliness in the house and use a variety of traps for the Prussians. Folk remedies and odors unpleasant for insects also help.

Conclusion: if there were cockroaches in the apartment, what to do with them is clear - you need to immediately begin the fight, until their colony has grown too much.

We deal with cockroaches on our own

Almost every mistress at least once met in her kitchen small and nasty uninvited guests - cockroaches.If they appeared, then getting rid of getting rid of them is quite difficult. But this is necessary.

Cockroaches, in addition to their unpleasant appearance, are still carriers of all kinds of infection. Therefore, when they appear, immediate action must be taken.

Where do they come from

Cockroaches in the apartment are insects capable of rapid reproduction. If only a few individuals enter the apartment and find favorable living conditions, the population will increase rapidly. One female can produce more than 150 offspring per year.

Another plus to population growth is the survivability of these insects. Many have heard that a cockroach can live a week without a head. And this is not fiction. His brain is scattered throughout his body, so his head is mainly needed for food and orientation in space.

These tenacious insects are able to hold their breath for up to 40 minutes, are able to live without half their limbs, and even in a half-crushed form. They are well adapted to life near a person.

These six-legged insects love a moist environment rich in food. And there is such a place in the apartment - this is the kitchen. There is always high humidity. And if it’s bad to clean and leave crumbs and other food debris, then cockroaches will surely pass away.

But how do cockroaches get into the house? After all, even if there were never cockroaches, they can appear unexpectedly and in large numbers.

Everything is very simple here, cockroaches can come to the apartment:

  • from the neighbors. If insect persecution has begun in a neighboring apartment, then the population may simply migrate to you.
  • no matter how we try, small gaps remain in the doors and windows. A random cockroach can enter through them. And if he finds food for you, he will definitely stay.
  • there is a high probability of accidental introduction of insects. For example, with a delivery service from a store or any thing that you gave to your friends for a while.

As you can see, there are a great many ways of penetrating cockroaches into an apartment. If settlement has occurred, then you must immediately begin the fight.

Cockroaches in the apartment are a sign of garbage, unwashed dishes and humidity. Indeed, it is in such an environment that these insects live.

Before starting the fight against them, you need to take some preventive measures:

  • A thorough cleaning and minor repairs are carried out. Wet places are eliminated, leaks in pipes are sealed, baseboards and torn pieces of wallpaper are changed. If the kitchen has a film of fat, then you need to get rid of it (because it is a tidbit for cockroaches).
  • All products must be carefully packaged so that insects cannot reach them.
  • Before going to bed, check for residual water in the sink and bathtub. You also need to thoroughly wipe all the dishes so that the cockroaches do not have access to moisture.
  • Dirty dishes should not be. Leftover food will help cockroaches survive.

All this will require time and effort from you, but it will be justified. Indeed, as a result, you will be able to expel harmful cohabitants from your apartment.

Modern means

Any insect, be it cockroaches or home bugs, if it is in your house, can become a source of infection. Therefore, it is necessary to fight with him. But to do this only with preventive methods (cleaning and repair) will not work. Therefore, resort to various means.

Among the many varieties of such drugs, you can choose the right one for your case. Each of the tools is used in certain situations. They have different ways of using and methods of struggle. All funds can be divided into three categories.

Aerosol insecticides. They are used if you need to quickly solve the problem of destroying a small population of insects. This is a very effective remedy. With it, you can get rid of cockroaches in just one day.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of such drugs. Raptor, Get, battalion commander and many other means.All of them do their job perfectly, the choice is yours.

But it is worth remembering that such aerosol insecticides have one significant minus - the danger to humans. Processing should be carried out in a protective mask so as not to inhale the substance. And then carry out the ventilation of the premises.

More safe for humans and longer in time are various powders, gels and pencils. With their help, you can also get rid of cockroaches, but not in one day. But such substances are safe for humans, because you will not inhale them. So, in the apartment you can live peacefully during disinfection.

If cockroaches in the apartment are rare, it is better to use a variety of traps and baits with poison. They very effectively cope with a small number of harmful guests. Their advantage is low cost and absolute safety for humans.

Popular methods of destruction

Cockroaches in the apartment have been living for a long time. For such a long time, people have come up with folk methods of getting rid of them. The most effective is freezing. This method was invented in Russia. Indeed, in our country there are cockroaches, and there are often frosts.

This method is based on the fact that cockroaches (despite all their vitality) die when the ambient temperature drops below minus eight degrees. And in the winter, we have frosts on the street and harder. To get rid of cockroaches in this way, just open all the windows in winter.

Wherever a cockroach is located, it simply freezes. But such a method will be effective if it is used simultaneously by all the inhabitants of the house. These insects can run very fast. And if it becomes cold in their house, then they will simply run to the neighbors.

All these tools can be used independently. If you carefully read the instructions, then get rid of cockroaches quickly. And you will not bring harm to your health. But it’s better not to take risks and call professionals. Whether it is a cockroach or home bugs, pest control can easily cope with them.

What to do to prevent cockroaches in the house

Black and red cockroaches, often appearing in apartments, can cause various diseases. In the process of life, these crawling insects climb into places of accumulation of bacteria (garbage cans, toilet bowls), and then carry them around the kitchen and other rooms.

Cockroaches that appeared in the house can cause dysentery, diarrhea, gastroenteritis and other unpleasant diseases in its residents.

Cockroaches are tenacious and very mobile, they can easily creep from apartment to apartment. Compliance with the rules of prevention will help to avoid the appearance of baleen insects in your home.

Preventive measures

Many people believe that cockroaches only eat bread crumbs and the remnants of the food that we eat. If you put food in the refrigerator, do not leave dirty dishes in the sink, thoroughly wipe the kitchen table, then these measures, according to a large number of citizens, are enough to prevent cockroaches from appearing in the house.

However, these insects are among omnivorous organisms, they can feed on paper, leather, fabrics, book bindings, even soap.

First of all, cockroaches really appear where it is dirty, so it is extremely important to keep clean, especially in the kitchen. But hygiene is indispensable.

These domestic insects love wet places, which is why it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of plumbing in the kitchen and bathroom. A leaking tap can attract cockroaches living in neighboring apartments.

Carefully inspect the walls and floor. If you notice even small gaps or holes, then they need to be repaired. The special arrangement of the legs allows cockroaches to move along vertical surfaces, so they can crawl from floor to floor.

Perhaps your neighbors are worrying about your antisocial lifestyle and lack of hygiene, which can lead to cockroaches near your apartment. In this situation, preventive insect infestation is able to prevent insect infestation.

Preventive pest control using effective protective equipment will help to create conditions that prevent the appearance of insects in your apartment.

What to do if they still appeared

If you are late with preventive measures and cockroaches have already appeared in the house, then measures must be taken to destroy them. As practice shows, the use of folk methods of combating these unpleasant and dangerous insects often does not lead to success.

With the mass distribution of cockroaches, the means for their destruction, which are sold in stores, do not always help.

A guaranteed result can be obtained by calling a special sanitary service.

If cockroaches appeared in the apartment ...

Bad news if cockroaches appeared in the apartment. The reasons for this may be a lot: unclean neighbors, the remains of crumbs in the kitchen, dampness and darkness, unsuitable sewer pipes.

Insects are carriers of infections and living under the same roof leads a person to diseases. You need to immediately get rid of pests.

Danger of synanthropic pests

Small creatures must be destroyed for reasons that it is impossible to object:

  • carry eggs of parasites, leading a person to severe chronic diseases;
  • in contact with viruses and bacteria that pose a danger to people;
  • excrement and other signs of synanthropic activity lead to allergic reactions;
  • their presence causes discomfort to the full owner of the apartment.

You can protect yourself from the adverse effects of the pest by knowing where it got into the house. Further, the matter is small: the choice of a drug for control and treatment of the premises.

Step 1: Find Where Insects Are Hiding

You saw one cockroach, thought it was a guest, killed him and forgot about the problem. Is the situation familiar? In vain.

For security reasons, unwanted guests move around the apartment at night when people are sleeping. Be sure to check the premises for pest habitats.

  • Check sewer pipes: have they been without water for a long time? There is a chance that large black cockroaches appear from there.
  • In household appliances live the Prussians.
  • In the microwave, splashes of grease, crumbs and other food waste remain, under the back cover an ideal habitat.
  • Check the heat exchanger of the refrigerator. The device complies with the conditions for the propagation of pests.
  • The mechanism of the washing machine attracts when the rest of the comfortable places are occupied.
  • The computer system unit and laptop are a popular hostel of the Prussians.
  • Through ventilation, insects move from one apartment to another. Lay eggs on the wrong side. Small individuals freely enter.
  • False ceiling - an excellent shelter of pests. It is dark and there are no people. Unimpeded access is guaranteed through the slots of the skirting boards, the holes of the fixtures.

Having found the habitat of cockroaches, it is easier to get rid of them. Remember: pests do not have nests. They live where they are comfortable. There are no favorable conditions - insects go away.

Step 2: Getting Started

There are 30–40 ways to combat synanthropes, 10–15 of which are effective. What do we do? It is important to conduct spring cleaning in order to prevent the appearance of insects.

It is necessary to check household appliances 2-3 times a day and regularly take out the garbage from the premises.

In addition, adhere to the rules:

  • Use modern drugs, strictly following the instructions.
  • Cleanliness is the key to success. Carefully treat the habitats with poison after spring cleaning. Pay attention to ventilation, pipes, skirting boards, tables and appliances.
  • Eliminate entry routes into rooms.Putty holes, block ventilation mesh with small holes.
  • Place food waste in a sealed container.

In addition to the basic rules for maintaining cleanliness, resort to folk and professional methods of destruction.

Professional destruction methods

Disinsectors distinguish two groups of types of cockroach control:

  1. Rapid destruction involves the use of aerosols, fumigants and sprays based on toxic fumes.
  2. The method is effective in confronting a population of insects. During the processing of housing, people are isolated from the premises.

Please note that regular use of the same chemical enhances insect immunity. After 3-4 times of persecution, the poison to the cockroach is not terrible, it loses consciousness, waking up after a while. Change aerosol regularly, and flush insects into the toilet.

Gradual extermination is carried out in a long and safe way for people. The market includes insect traps, pencils, gels, and powders.

They resort to funds when people cannot leave the apartment, and folk methods have been ineffective.

Do you want a professional treatment of the premises from cockroaches? Call the pest control! It is better when all the residents cooperate in the house, and together destroy the insects.

Compare famous drugs

We will find out which drugs against cockroaches are applicable at home, their effectiveness.

  • Ram - a liquid insecticide in a bottle. Get rid of insects in one day, safe. 5 ml of the drug are used per liter of water (100 ml in one bottle).
  • Venom Kombat in aerosols and traps contains imiprotin, cimentorin, peritroid. It is sprayed in places of accumulation of pests, it is safe.
  • Delicia lenses are a powder capsule that cockroaches eat in search of water and food. The contents of one capsule is enough to process 35 m2. Be sure to wash your hands with soap if the drug gets on your skin.
  • Chlorpyrifos - tablets that are laid out where the Prussians live for 1.5–2 months. It is harmless to people and animals, but do not use poison near food. After contact with the product, wash your skin with soap.
  • Fumitox - the gel is placed in a syringe and evenly distributed in the cracks between the plinths, under the peeled wallpaper, in the dark places of the apartment.
  • Homemade Proshka - pasta, because of which cockroaches stop their activity. It is applied after 5-7 cm in secluded dark places.
  • Trap - glue based on resin, oil and rubber. Suitable for use in cardboard traps.
  • Masha's pencil - chalk from deltamethrin, gypsum, chalk, zeta cypermethrin. It is transferred to a nest on paws. The tool is a danger to animals and people!
  • Forsyth is an adhesive trap with 20% permethrin. Process sewer pipes, baseboards, furniture.

In the apartment appeared uninvited guests suffering from infections? Buy a chemical means of destruction and act according to the instructions.

Aerosols are effective, but require the elimination of residents. The tablets keep the air clean, sticky traps are designed for safe control.

But sometimes, distrust of purchased drugs leads to alternative solutions to problems.

Folk ways of struggle

Grandparents knew why pests disappeared forever if they appeared in the house. They used:

  • boric acid
  • ammonia,
  • burur
  • and also experimented with raising and lowering the temperature.

Self-made traps look simple enough, but they work efficiently. Consider the best methods of destruction.

  • Mix boric acid with boiled egg yolk and roll the balls from the resulting mass. The cockroach will eat alone and die. You can add powder to the water where insects drink, and thoroughly wipe all other moisture. A family of unwanted neighbors will recover.
  • Put mashed potatoes with boiled egg and a tablespoon of borax in the places most visited by pests. After some time, collect the corpses and flush them into the toilet.
  • Lower the air temperature to minus 10 C and leave the room for 3-4 hours.
  • Add ammonia to the water you intend to wash the floors with.
  • Put honey or beer in a half-liter jar, and under the neck inside, grease with vegetable oil. When the synanthropus comes to feast, it cannot get out.
  • Place traps as far as possible from children and animals. Otherwise, poison can cause poisoning.

Step 3: Prevent Appearance

In order not to worry about the question of how to destroy domestic insects, protect the housing in advance from their appearance, including repeated ones.

It is a mistake to think that, supposedly, cockroaches exist exclusively in unsanitary conditions. In a sterile clean apartment, they regale themselves with glue under the wallpaper, book roots and water.

Hosts rarely clean the room. Unwashed dishes, scattered crumbs, dirty floor, clogged bathtub, mountains of garbage - insect food sources. Between the untidy and tidy owners, the insect will choose the first.

In multi-story buildings, unwanted residents move through ventilation shafts. The neighbors decided to etch the Prussians with dichlorvos, the army of pests will hasten to move to the new owners. Repairing basements disrupts the life of sewer cockroaches, and they have to look for new housing.

When there are students living in the hostel in the family, or frequent guests-relatives, migrating individuals can come in a suitcase with clothes.
Buying new furniture does not guarantee the absence of old residents in it.

Cabinets and household appliances are stored in warehouses where pests live. Movers along with the goods transport insect families. What to say about items bought from hand?

The appearance of the Prusaks does not always depend on the cleanliness of the house. Reproduction of insects is prevented by adverse living conditions. A smart pest will not live on water and wallpaper glue for a long time and will go to get food. Always keep the apartment clean.

Scientists have proved: a female in favorable living conditions at a time displays 50-60 new individuals. In the absence of habitat and food, the amount is 25-30 small cockroaches.

A popular sign says: a black cockroach is a harbinger of wealth, luxury and happiness. But modern superstitions have another interpretation: about envious jealousy and scandals.

Red Prussians prepare for bad news, and white for sharp frosts.

It's up to you to trust folk wisdom or not, but it’s definitely worth worrying about family health.

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1 Comment

  1. The most helpful method for the derivation was ammonia. You just need to before washing the floors - drop a spoonful of alcohol in a bucket and rinse all the corners with this water in each room and especially carefully where the cockroaches live. As for the boric acid method, I didn’t help to get them out to the end, and so I moved on to a more effective method for alcohol. I want to say that all the Prussians were there - they all crawled to the floor above. So I recommend - do not delay cockroaches with bullying and get rid of them immediately (until they multiplied a lot).

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