Bark beetle in the house: how to get rid of a wood eater

bug bark beetle in the house how to get rid
Bark beetle in the house how to get rid

Good day, friends. There was a period in my life when I lived in a city apartment for a year.

During this time, I have never been to my site. But in the walls of my house wound up other guests. The bark beetle to its fullest developed its activity.

At first I was in mild shock, but then I proceeded to action. With the help of friends, this insect was repulsed. Want to learn how to get rid of a bark beetle bug in a house? How to quickly remove this insect? Now everything is detailed for you, friends, I will sign.

How to get rid of bark beetle in a wooden house

Wooden houses today are at the peak of popularity. And this is not only a tribute to fashion, but also the desire of modern people for everything natural, safe, environmentally friendly.

Wood is just such a material. But, unfortunately, the flip side of the coin is the vulnerability of the tree to various external factors. One of the dangers for wood is the bark beetle. The bark beetle in the house is a real disaster for the owners.

What if it is detected?

This is really unpleasant. The bark beetle in the house is a small insect pest. One of the most dangerous for a tree, because in a short time it is able to destroy both a living tree and wooden buildings.

The bark beetle feeds on wood, lays moves in it, lays eggs, and in general conducts active life.

As a result, the wooden building loses its strength and collapses.

How to recognize

The main sign of the appearance of the pest is small holes in the wood from which small chips spill out. Also, one of the signs can be called a specific noise, especially at night. This is the sound of a bug. But it appears already with global defeat.

If you have the slightest suspicion that the bark beetle in the house has already settled, it is necessary to act immediately. The fight against bark beetle can be won only if you start it on time.

How to eliminate bark beetle in a wooden house?

This question arises from any owner who has discovered an attack by a pest on his home.
The first and easiest way is to call special insect control services that treat your home with the strongest poisons.

But, firstly, such treatment from a bark beetle is not cheap, and, secondly, poisons that use such services are not very safe for humans. Such processing will be relevant in the event of a mass attack of the bark beetle, when other methods have proven powerless. In other cases, you can fight on your own.

So, how to deal with the bark beetle on your own. The first thing to do before starting a fight is to assess the degree of damage. Carefully inspect the whole house, if the bugs only hit the surface layer of wood, the moves are not deep, then processing with chemical or biological agents will suffice.

If the moves are deep, the wood has lost strength, then it is better to cut and burn the affected area, replacing it with new healthy wood. It is important to consider several factors:

  1. It is possible to remove a section of a tree with a bark beetle only mechanically, without using a power tool. Otherwise, from the vibration that such a tool will give, eggs of pests will spread to healthy areas. The destruction of the bark beetle will require some effort and knowledge.
  2. When planning this method of protection, you need to make sure that neighboring areas are not infected. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.
  3. After stripping or removing a section of a tree infected with a bark beetle, all garbage should be carefully removed and burned.

Insecticide treatment. Insecticides are chemicals that are used to control insects. You can buy such drugs in a free, in any specialized store. When choosing, give preference to trusted companies and a more or less safe composition.

There are two ways to treat wood with insecticides:

  • injections. Using a syringe, liquid is introduced into the beetle's strokes and filled until the liquid exits.
  • impregnation of the entire surface. The substance is abundantly applied with a brush to the surface of the tree, left until completely absorbed.

Treatment with insecticides must be repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 10-14 days.
After the last treatment, the surface should be varnished or painted so that the individuals remaining in the tree could not get out.

Pheromone traps are also used as a remedy for bark beetles. They emit a certain smell, which all bark beetles in the district should flock to, then they destroy the trap. This method is completely environmentally friendly, but acts only on adult beetles, larvae and pupae will remain in your house.

There are also old time-tested remedies that the bark beetle does not tolerate in the house. The surface chosen by the bark beetle in the house should be treated with a mixture of turpentine and kerosene in a ratio of 3 to 1.

The older generation also offers boiling water as a remedy for bark beetle. They need to pour over the surface, pour into the passages. The beetle must die. High temperatures are truly detrimental to the bark beetle, but such surface treatment may not be enough.

The method described above is easier to apply to individual boards, for example, if you find a bark beetle in materials for building a house. Then the effect of heat or cold will be effective.

The bark beetle dies at temperatures below thirty degrees and above forty. If you can provide the necessary temperature, you will surely get rid of the pest.

And of course, one of the most effective ways to combat bark beetle is to take preventive measures to exclude its appearance.

Prevention of occurrence

There are two areas of prevention:

  1. under construction
  2. in a finished house

What can you do at the construction stage so that the bark beetle in the house does not start:

  • the first and most important is a careful selection of lumber that you will purchase for the construction site. You need to buy them only from trusted loggers, boards and logs should be as dry as possible, since the bark beetle very likes a humid environment. Choose materials without bark, since under the bark, whole colonies of beetle can be hidden from prying eyes. Before buying, be sure to inspect all materials, if you find small holes on them similar to the moves of the bark beetle, do not buy such material.
  • treatment. Preventive treatment is required before the start of construction, it protect the house from the bark beetle, and from other troubles. For impregnation, special antiseptic compounds with insecticides, various stains, as well as such folk remedies as working out, hot drying oil, kerosene, various oils are suitable. It is possible to process wood with deep impregnation.Such impregnations in the wood fibers thicken and turn into a polymer, which strengthens the material and complicates the work of the beetle. The bark beetle simply cannot gnaw through such a tree.

As for the finished house:

  • thorough inspection every spring. That would reveal the bugs in time and start fighting.
  • coating surfaces with varnish or paint and timely updating of the coating.

How to deal with bark beetle

Bark beetles are small and unremarkable insects. In the adult stage, they have a small brown-black body and small limbs. By the way, noticing them is one of the signs of infection by bark beetles.

White and terrible-looking worms - the larvae feed on soft wood. Gnawing whole mazes of tunnels. Bark beetles lovers of unhealthy trees and lumber can fall into residential buildings. Bark beetles in a wooden house are not uncommon.

Under favorable conditions, good trees can infect. Bark beetle is the most dangerous pest of forest, garden plantations and wooden structures. But you can easily get rid of the bark beetle using the microwave. But before you learn how to deal with the bark beetle, we will study it more carefully.

In our climate, the most common is the six-tooth bark beetle. The feature of the elytra is 6 cloves on each side, the IV lobe is the widest, with a head at the apex. Very fond of pine, cedar.

The size of the bark beetle is tiny - only from 0.9 mm to 10 millimeters for mid-latitudes. In the south you can find a variety of sizes larger than 1.5 cm in length.

According to the season of the year, the flight of the beetle is not the same among the subspecies, we also have spring species (flying from early spring), and species flying throughout almost the entire summer.

Even in time of day, the flight of bark beetles is not uniform: so some species fly only when it is light from morning to evening, but there are people who love sunset.

The bark beetle has such a name due to the fact that the most noticeable species live under the bark of a tree. Some species of bark beetles, such as Dendroctonus ponderosae, attack and kill living trees.

Most, however, live in the dead, weakened, or kill the tree altogether. Bark beetles are environmentally and economically significant. An outbreak of the bark beetle population may well destroy the forest. Another facet is the help in the decomposition of dead wood.

Bark beetles hit trees already painful. The reasons may be different - this is drought, smog, or simply having damage. Healthy trees can provide protection against bark beetles by producing resins containing a number of insecticidal and fungicidal substances that will kill attacking insects or immobilize them.

In an epidemic, a huge number of beetles, however, can suppress tree defenses, and the results can be disastrous for the logging industry.

Outbreaks of bark beetle epidemics may be the result of global warming: warm winters in the region allow different species of bark beetle to increase their number and multiply.

Bark beetles have a symbiosis with various molds, they even specially carry them. For the delivery of mold spores, female bark beetles have an organ - mycetangia.

Bark beetles - forest orderlies they process cellulose. Still, they benefit nature. But it should be noted that there are such species (typographic beetle) - they can give huge outbreaks of the population of mass reproduction, which brings very large losses.

Many types of beetles are also harmful to the economy as carriers of fungal diseases of trees, and as technical pests of wood in warehouses of lumber, pests of ecological green building, log houses, etc., and even individual fodder plants (clover), etc.

Bark beetle in the house, log house, in a wooden house, roof-rafters, logs - a huge problem for the owner. How to deal with bark beetles, how to get rid of bark beetles - this is what the owner of a wooden house often encounters! Fighting the bark beetle is impossible 100 percent by chemical methods, because they live inside the wood.

The fight against bark beetles in living plantations is, first and foremost, a requirement for proper forestry - to lay out pheromone traps correctly, and it is imperative to observe quarantine measures.

100% to destroy the bark beetle is currently possible only microwave method. Microwave equipment effectively destroys bark beetle, larvae, eggs and mold.

Beetle control in an exploited house

Natural wood has many obvious advantages over other building materials. These advantages include affordable price, low thermal conductivity, environmental safety, ease of machining, etc.

The list of advantages of lumber can be continued further, but there is a significant drawback that makes us take a fresh look at the use of wood as the main building material.

We are talking about low resistance to a biological factor, for example, to bark beetles.

Pest Essentials

Pictured bark beetle in its natural habitat
Pictured bark beetle in its natural habitat

Bark beetles are small bugs (no more than 8 mm) that live in the bark and upper layers of wood.

Most of the insect's life goes inside the tree. The insect makes an entrance hole in the cortex, penetrates this hole and gnaws passages, where eggs will subsequently be laid. Beetles are fertile, and therefore infection is of particular danger.

Logs spoiled by bark beetle
Logs spoiled by bark beetle

Among the signs of wood bark beetle infection, we especially note the appearance of drill flour in certain sections of the lumber surface. Another sign is the scattering of open holes with a diameter of up to 2 mm.

If you find any signs of the life of insects, it's time to learn about how to destroy the bark beetle in wooden structures and immediately complete these works.

The simplest solution in this situation is to call a specialist from the local sanitary and epidemiological service.

A specialist who has in his arsenal various types of insecticides and sufficient experience in their application will certainly solve the problem of the dominance of bark beetles. But, unfortunately, the price of the service will be considerable, so we will try to cope with the bug on our own.

Effective Wood Protection

If you are faced with the question of how to destroy bark beetles in a wooden house, then most likely you will have to use one of the methods listed below.

  • Application of specialized protective coatings;
  • Application of specialized protective impregnation;
  • Application of waste (used engine oil) is a "grandfather", but nevertheless effective method;
  • Impregnation of the surface of lumber with carpentry varnishes and oils;
  • Impregnation of the surface of lumber with kerosene or white spirit;
  • The introduction of antiseptic solutions with a syringe directly into the holes made by the beetle;
  • Tapping the surface of a wooden product and then drilling holes to damage the bark beetle moves (an antiseptic is introduced into the holes made);
  • Pest control using specialized insecticides and equipment necessary for their use (aerosol application, use of cold or hot fog generators, etc.);
  • The use of a number of pyrotechnic products, including insecticidal and sulfur drafts;
  • Permanent use of fumigant coils “Fumitox”, “Raptor”, etc .;
  • Exposure to lumber at critical temperatures (freezing and warming);
  • Cutting a damaged section of lumber;
  • The use of pheromone traps.

In order not to seek a solution to the question of how to remove the bark beetle from a wooden house, it is necessary to fight it in advance, namely, before the start of construction work.

The instructions for combating bark beetle before the start of construction work are as follows:

  1. When purchasing lumber, we carefully monitor that there are no signs of infection on their surface.As already mentioned, infection can be determined by small oval-shaped holes or by a small amount of sawdust flour.
  2. If infected lumber was discovered already during construction work, sand the wood in order to find out how serious the lesion is. If the moves are superficial, we inject antiseptics, if the moves are deep, then it is advisable to burn the wood. The fact is that if the affected lumber is used in construction, after a few years the beetle will destroy the entire blockhouse.
  3. We impregnate lumber purchased for the construction of a house for preventive purposes with special antiseptic drugs (Antizhuk, Antishashelin, Wood Healer, Empire-20, etc.).

As an impregnation and wood used for the construction of non-residential facilities, you can use waste machine oil.

Beetle fighting

You can fight yourself with the infection of wood, but you must understand that you will have to do this until all the bark beetles die out, including those generations that subsequently hatch from eggs.

Anti-bark beetle preparations
Anti-bark beetle preparations

Instructions for breeding a beetle in an already operating house can be conducted in the following ways:

In the case of the detection of single holes eaten by insects, special insecticides should be used, which are sold in the finished state, pumped into syringes.

We insert the syringe into the hole and pump liquid into it until it appears from the outside. Often, if the stroke consumed by the insect is large, a whole insecticide syringe can go away. After a certain time, the wood processing procedure is advisable to repeat.

In order for the introduction of the insecticide to be effective, after each injection, the hole should be plugged with a match. This is done so that the solution does not leak out and that the bugs do not come out.

If the damage is significant, the wood is impregnated with antiseptic compounds, which are applied in several layers. The lower the density of lumber, the more layers of the product will have to be applied.

If the wood used to build the house is not sufficiently dense and solid, reinforcing deep penetration impregnations can be used. Such drugs penetrate the pores of lumber, fill them and polymerize. As a result, the wood becomes denser and it is more difficult for the bark beetle to make its moves in it.

At the end of processing, lumber must necessarily be coated with various paints that form a dense film on the surface of the wood.

Such a measure will not allow bugs from outside to gain access to the tree and at the same time will become a significant obstacle to the comfortable life of insects that may have remained inside the lumber.

Having built a wooden house from a log or timber, you can live in it calmly, without bothering yourself with fears about bark beetles. But such carelessness can lead to partial or complete destruction of the building. When living in a wooden house, you should always be on the alert and, on occasion, fight back potentially harmful insects.

How to beat a bark beetle

If there are wooden elements in your house or other building, then there is a danger that a bark beetle will start. This insect is very harmful. If he has already wound up, fighting often no longer makes sense. In an average of 5 years, a bug can turn your home into dust and the only way out is to break it.

The fight against the bark beetle should begin during construction. Wooden elements are processed with special compounds. Now there are various compositions, the choice on the market is very extensive.

For example, the impregnation is “Wood Healer”, “Empire-20”, “Antishashelin”, “Antizhuk” and so on. Impregnations have different categories, from 1 to 4, depending on the complexity of the fight - prevention or a real war.

Many summer residents are familiar with the bark beetle tracks.Small holes in the tree and the characteristic “wood dust” around this hole. Although the holes are small, but the problems from them can be huge. In addition, if you notice these holes on the surface, this does not mean that the core is not damaged. This will need to be checked immediately.

To do this, you need to arm yourself with a sharp object and go on reconnaissance in order to prepare for war. With a sharp object, we pierce a tree in places of minks and look at the presence of emptiness. The place of their "work" needs to be cut capturing around a whole tree. Take the resulting trophy to a fire and burn.

The bark beetle is dangerous not only for buildings, but also for living trees. If in your area an army of bark beetles has attacked a tree and the tree has already suffered a lot, it is better to get rid of the tree as soon as possible.

If this is not done, the hearth may spread further onto the trees, onto buildings, and so on. Trees for prevention are properly processed. The entire barrel is sprayed with the solutions mentioned above. This is very true for "weak" trees, such as seedlings.

It is also possible to prepare the composition yourself. A bucket is taken, half the water is poured into it, a quart of liquid soap of green color is added and then two glasses of carbolic acid (untreated). Then the composition is diluted with twenty-five parts of water.

How to get rid of bark beetle

If you have ever met a bark beetle, then you should know that it is very small and inconspicuous. But even such modest sizes did not prevent him from earning the title of one of the most dangerous pests of trees and wooden structures.

If a bark beetle is wound up in a house or garden, it is urgent to do everything possible to deal with it, otherwise after a few years there will be no trace of comfortable housing.

Insect characterization

The bark beetle, or typograph, as scientists call it, can be compared with the Colorado forest beetle - a pair of individuals can multiply quickly, and the offspring will destroy everything in its path. And although the main fodder plant of the beetle is spruce, in its absence it does not disdain pine, fir, cedar and larch.

But if such trees do not grow on your site, do not rush to rejoice, because there are several varieties of bark beetles with different gastronomic preferences.

Classification of bark beetles:

  • Cracker - beetles with a slightly rounded back of the body. It settles mainly in pines and very rarely in spruces. There are also large and small butterflies. Large settles in the lower part of the trunk of the pine, where the bark is thicker, and small - at the top.
  • The bark beetle is real - you can recognize it by a kind of recess in the back of the carapace on the back.
  • Sapwood is a beetle whose body shape is vaguely reminiscent of a chisel (the back is as if cut obliquely). Prefer elm breeds and oaks. Contribute to the development of vascular mycosis in oaks and spread the spores of the Dutch disease.

The bark beetle goes through three stages of development: from a larva it turns into a chrysalis, and then into an adult (adult). It is easiest to destroy recently deposited larvae, but it is worth remembering that in some species of beetles they develop not a year, but two years, remaining to winter in the depths of the tree.

They can withstand frosts down to -30С, therefore often even after the coldest winter new individuals appear and the cycle starts again. However, if an extremely hot summer turned out, then the larvae can die - the critical temperature for them is + 40C.

It is not surprising that the bark beetle is found mainly in temperate countries: Japan, Georgia, Russia, Korea, and Ukraine. But recently, due to strong deforestation and climatic changes, the distribution range of pest beetles has greatly expanded. For example, not so long ago it was discovered in North America.

Behavior features

The bark beetles spend almost their entire lives inside the tree, arranging real “labyrinth cities” there from gnawed passages and minks. They fly out only when the period of swarming begins or the tree has already become unsuitable for life.

When the beetle hits a new tree, it immediately begins to gnaw through the channels, striving closer to the center, where the wood is softer and juicier. There, the beetle equips the mink and lays eggs.

Each species of bark beetle has its own “drawing” of moves. If you study this topic in detail, you can accurately determine which breed has settled in the tree and choose the right tool to deal with it.

Breaking through more and more moves inside the tree, beetles spread spores of fungi on them, which also contribute to the destruction of wood. As a result, the plant loses the ability to fully eat and dies. The most interesting and unpleasant thing is that it is almost impossible to determine the presence of a bark beetle - a tree can be “dead” for a long time, but from the outside it will seem completely healthy.

But it is strange to think that nature could create a deliberately harmful and dangerous creature, and this idea is to some extent true. In fact, bark beetles, like many similar insects, are orderlies in the forest. They settle in trees weakened by caterpillars or fire, helping to replace them with new shoots as soon as possible.

But under favorable breeding conditions, the absence of natural enemies or the excessive felling of strong large trees, the bark beetle has no choice but to spread to young plants that are unable to fight pests. And then the matter takes a more serious turn, because beetles become less selective and spoil garden crops.

Bark beetle in the garden

If you noticed that oval holes and so-called wood flour appeared on garden trees, then there is every reason to believe that bark beetles have settled in them.

All trees have a natural defense mechanism - they fill the gnawed passages with resin. The stone species of trees are protected in a similar way, and the beetle can be identified by gum detection on the trunks.

Naturally, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so it is recommended that all garden owners regularly treat plantings with protective agents.

Means from bark beetle for pre-treatment of trees and seedlings:

  1. "Lepidocide";
  2. "Bitoxibacillin";
  3. "Boverin";
  4. "Vectra 3D";
  5. "Aktara";
  6. "Calypso";
  7. "Confidor."

Adult plants must be sprayed after flowering, when the bark beetle begins the swarming period, and repeat the procedure after 2 weeks. It is important to finish the tree completely, including the trunk, branches and all leaves. Due to the high toxicity of the drugs, personal protective equipment should be used - a respirator, gloves, glasses, etc.

Anti-pheromone drugs, which are pumped into the wood with a syringe, are very popular. To do this, make a hole in the barrel with a puncher, pour the drug into it and close the hole with garden var. The procedure should also be carried out repeatedly - at least 2-3 times with an interval of several days.

You can help the tree to fight pests on its own by feeding and regularly loosening the soil around the trunks. Remember that by its nature, the bark beetle is prone to settle on weakened plants. If a tree is badly damaged by a bug, it must be cut down and burned - while you will treat it, the bark beetle will move to neighboring ones.

Pheromone traps for the garden are relevant only for large areas of 10 ha. In this case, a small sector is treated with pheromones, and when the bark beetles flock there, they simply destroy it. To sacrifice trees in a small garden is irrational in this case.

House pest

Bark beetles in the garden may not seem like such a serious problem, but it is worth imagining that they can "spread" to a wooden house, and immediately it becomes no joke.If you relax in your country house and in the middle of the night hear a slight rustling, then in most cases its source is the bark beetle. Of course, these can be mice, but checking this is very easy.

First of all, inspect all the walls and the attic for small holes. They can be in the most unexpected places - even on the wallpaper behind the closet or on the floor under the carpet. If small holes are “framed” by wood dust, then the bark beetle has settled in the house.

Insects can enter the house either from an infected garden, or inside poorly processed wood materials, including furniture.

In just 4-6 years, the bark beetle can completely destroy a small wooden house, which then will be easier to demolish than to repair. In the case of “home” bark beetles, pre-treatment of wood plays a huge role.

The most popular formulations are Woody Healer, Antishashelin, Empire20, Antizhuk, etc. Each impregnation for a tree is assigned its own category from 1 to 4, on which the degree of impact on the processed material depends, from prevention, ending with a real war.

If you find holes on the surface of a wall or floor, you should immediately check how deep the bark beetle managed to penetrate. To do this, pierce the tree with a sharp object (long awl).

If the beetle has not yet managed to gnaw through an extensive maze, it is easiest to cut out the damaged area and burn it at the stake.

Over a long practice, many ways were invented how to get rid of the bark beetle in the house:

  • protective treatment of trees and wooden surfaces;
  • protective impregnation for wood;
  • coating a tree with several layers of engine oil, diesel fuel, kerosene and other "grandfather" methods;
  • the introduction of drugs into the material with a syringe;
  • the use of insecticides in combination with aerosol treatment;
  • exposure to heat or cold;
  • even the use of pyrotechnic means - special sulfur or insecticidal checkers;
  • the use of fumigators in the form of spirals, electrical devices;
  • the use of electromagnetic wave emitters, etc.

This is not a complete list of methods aimed at combating the bark beetle, but, unfortunately, most of them do not give tangible results. Beetles may die, but next season new “tenants” will choose wood, and everything will have to be started anew. Sometimes a combination of several methods helps, but each case is individual, and no one can name the right recipe.

The facts are such that impregnation, extrusion and fumigation with insecticides helps extremely rarely or does not give any result. There are several reasons for this, but they are all obvious if you look at the lifestyle of the bark beetle. Since the beetle tries to penetrate as deep as possible into the layer of wood, then it may not even feel the external processing.

Impregnations are effective only if applied regularly and repeatedly. Extrusion allows you to pour the drug deeper, but due to the complexity and duration of the moves, the poison often does not reach the goal.

It is worth remembering that even the most toxic insecticides are active for only a few months (maximum 3), after which nothing again threatens the beetles. Their action is aimed at adults, and in this case it is more reasonable to destroy larvae and pupae.

If you look at all these factors objectively, it becomes clear that achieving a 100% successful result is almost impossible. But do not demolish the house in which the bark beetle settled! There are several more or less effective methods of dealing with a pest.

Temperature effect

We mentioned above that the bark beetle can easily winter at temperatures up to -30 ° C, but it is simply not possible to create such a cold atmosphere in the house. The only option is to use liquid nitrogen, but after such treatment the wood itself will become completely unusable.

Whether the opposite is the case - a high-temperature effect. If the tree is warmed up to a temperature of + 65 ° C or higher and maintained for 30 minutes, the bark beetle will be completely destroyed, including larvae, young growth and adults.

The mechanics are very simple - at this temperature, protein breaks down, and insects for the most part are pure protein. But again - to warm the whole house to such a temperature is unrealistic, so it is more advisable to use it for processing furniture or boards.

For this, closed drying temperature chambers are used in which the object is uniformly heated from all sides. Heat guns, as an alternative, will not work, because the heating does not occur evenly, and the temperature does not go deep.

Pheromone traps

Pheromone traps are also a fairly effective way to get rid of bark beetles. The bottom line is to lure all adults in one place, and then destroy it. But, as mentioned earlier, this technique is relevant only for large forests, and it would be very difficult to use it in a house.

But first, we note two of the most important drawbacks:

  • Pheromones attract only adults, and larvae and pupae, which must be fought first of all, remain indifferent to them.
  • Not only individuals from your territory, but also from the nearest forest can flock to pheromones, thereby exacerbating the situation.

This is what a simple pheromone trap looks like - a plastic funnel directed into a glass:

Bark beetle trap
Bark beetle trap

Beetles fly into the smell, fall into a glass and cannot get out, after which they can be easily destroyed.

Thus, pheromones can be used only at your own peril and risk. This method, of course, works, but does not help get rid of pests forever.

Fumigation against the parasite

Fumigation is by far the most effective means. As a rule, phosphine acts as the main active substance. It is able to penetrate deep into the tree, even it is hidden by the finishing material (wallpaper, drywall, etc.).

In the process of fumigation at home, gas completely fills the porous structure of wood, destroying pests at all stages of development. After completion of work, it is necessary to withstand a certain exposure period, and then carry out degassing.

Phosphine itself is chemically unstable and breaks up quickly. But, which is very important, it does not erode, but completely decomposes at the molecular level, that is, it is absolutely harmless to health and the environment.

The cost of such processing depends on the quadrature of the house and the degree of infection, but this is perhaps the only way to qualitatively remove the bark beetle without harm to the structures.

Diagnosing the appearance of a wood pest in a house

The bark beetle belongs to the group of herbivorous insects, which has over 750 species, slightly differing in size, appearance and habitat. As a rule, they have a small size - from 0.1 to 0.8 centimeters.

Larger individuals are found only in tropical countries with a hot and humid climate. Here the size of the bark beetle can reach more than 1.5 centimeters.

This insect harms forests, agricultural land, and wooden structures. This publication will talk about the fight against bark beetle and the prevention of its appearance in the house, since, according to experts, it poses the greatest danger here.

With the appearance of a large colony of beetles and the lack of timely processing, a wooden building (private house, cottage) can become worthless in just two to three years.

As a rule, it is not difficult to determine the appearance of a pest in a house and is detected during a routine inspection of wooden products. Small passages are found on the wood, next to which wood dust is poured. Next, you should find out about the timing of the bark beetle in the house.

To do this, you need to take an awl or a large solid needle and make a puncture in the wood next to the holes. If the puncture is carried out easily, it means that the inner layers of the tree are badly damaged, which indicates the vigorous activity of the beetles and their long stay in the house.

Therefore, you need to look for more damage, since the pests, most likely, managed to multiply. If a piece of wood is badly damaged, then it is most logical to cut and burn it.

Ways to fight

Contact specialized insecticidal services. The method is quite reliable, but can be expensive if it comes to a large wooden structure.

Independent use of specialized insecticidal and prophylactic agents. Available at the store. However, their use involves an additional set of measures related to the processing of wood.

The use of non-specialized (folk remedies) to combat the bark beetle. As in the previous case, it involves a set of additional measures to combat pest.

Basic principles

Preventive measures should be put in priority, since such preventive treatment once every five years is almost 100 percent guaranteed against the appearance of this variety of pests in the house. Safe bio-insecticides can be used for processing.

In the event of severe damage to the structure of the wood, you must either completely get rid of the wood product, or cut out the damaged area and destroy it on fire.

If damage to the supporting structures of a wooden building is detected, it is better to replace them, even with moderate damage by the bark beetle, since there can be quite extensive passages inside that cannot be diagnosed.

Stages of struggle

  1. Diagnosing the presence of bark beetle in the house. It is necessary to study both the interior and exterior of a wooden building. First of all, the lower sections of wood up to 0.5 meters above the floor / ground level are usually damaged.
  2. Removing heavily damaged areas of wood with their subsequent burning.
  3. Removing dirt and dust from wood in order to ensure unhindered penetration of pest control products.
  4. Wood surface treatment with oil. Machine waste oil is optimal, but its use is unacceptable when processing painted decorative wood. In the latter case, you can use ordinary vegetable oil.
  5. Use of insecticide. As mentioned above, you can use a specialized drug (it is better to take an aerosol, since it has a higher penetration degree) or make an insecticidal composition yourself (the proven method is one part of turpentine and three parts of kerosene). For the most effective treatment, the drug must be applied not only to the surface of a wooden product, but also to be poured into passages made by bark beetles.
  6. Drying wood and airing the room. If necessary, after a month, all steps can be repeated.

For the purpose of prevention, these measures can be taken once every five years.

Bark beetles in a wooden house: how to get rid of parasites

Wooden buildings are most popular among the population because of the beauty, warmth and unusual atmosphere. But the appearance of parasites in wood can cause permanent damage to the home within a few years.

The beetle bark beetle, as well as all its varieties (wood-borers, grinders) are insects with a size not exceeding 10 mm, brown, living all their life inside the tree.

But the threat is not the adult beetle itself, but its larvae, feeding on juices and making moves tens of meters inside the wood.

Features of pest control

The fight against the parasite can be divided into two stages:

  1. Preventive measures at the stage of acquiring wood before construction.
  2. Fighting in an already finished building if the parasite is found in a wooden structure.

To prevent the acquisition of a tree with a parasite already inside, several precautions are recommended:

  • The tree needs to be purchased only dried, since the main food of the parasite, as was said, is juices. The beetle does not eat sawdust, which is evident in places of residence along small slides of dust.
  • The purchase of cracked material is not recommended. These places are most attractive to female parasites in which they lay larvae. The presence of black dots indicates the presence of a beetle and such a forest should be rejected.
  • The presence of yellow dust also indicates the presence of a parasite. In addition, given the speed of spread of the beetle, all stacks nearby can be infected.

The most dangerous is the acquisition of a tree with a bark, which prevents visual inspection and hides the presence of the beetle in the tree. If it is not possible to remove the bark, the object of attention should be sections that should not contain trash or other damage.

To reduce the risk, it is recommended to buy a tree only from trusted sellers with a good reputation.

The fight against the parasite in the finished building

Often, the beetle starts already in the finished building. The presence of a parasite can be determined by the presence of holes and passages on the surface of wood, slides of dust or yellow dust.

To destroy the parasite and prevent its further spread, the following actions are considered the most effective.

The affected area must be removed, and this must only be done manually, since the use of a power tool (such as a grinder), on the contrary, helps spread the beetle eggs to a healthy tree. Infected pieces of wood must be collected and burned, otherwise the parasite will not be destroyed.

The surface after removal of infected areas, including all kinds of embedment material, is thoroughly cleaned, the best option is a vacuum cleaner.

Next, protective impregnations and flame retardants are applied to the cleaned wood. Each layer is applied separately with an interval of at least 24 hours, for complete drying.
Additionally, a composition is prepared (1 part turpentine and 3 parts kerosene) which is injected into the passages formed by the beetle using a syringe.

If the aesthetic appearance of the house does not matter, the structure from the outside can be treated with preheated drying oil.

The final stage is the complete sealing (external and internal) of the affected areas, silicone for processing the outside and acrylic inside.

Any wooden building can suffer from the bark beetle, therefore, to prolong the life of the building, regular preventive measures should be mandatory.

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